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Posted by: ATP
Date:5/16/2001 3:41:12 PM

you could have said ACID 3 is not backward compatible. all
my ACID 2.0 songs don't play as they should. i mute a
channel, yet i still hear it playing. sigh.....back to ACID
2.0. :(

Subject:RE: aaaargh!!!
Reply by: JONH
Date:5/17/2001 9:18:18 AM

This could be happening if you have an effect being sent to
that track. Here is how to fix it.

Lets say track 1 has an effect coming from FX1.

In the track header area click on the Volume drop down menu
and select FX1. Then right click on FX1. You will have
two options "Pre Volume" and "Post Volume". Change it to
Post Volume and your muted tracks will be muted.


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