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Subject:Creating a telephone voice effect
Posted by: teacher
Date:5/16/2001 12:34:51 PM

Can someone tell me how to create the effect of hearing a
voice as if it were through the telephone, using
SoundForge? I want to create recordings of simulated
telephone conversations, but I'm not sure if SoundForge can
do this and how?

Subject:RE: Creating a telephone voice effect
Reply by: Ted_H
Date:5/16/2001 3:14:38 PM

Resample to 8-bit (that's what phone sound quality is) and
then cut off the highs and lows with an EQ. I'm not sure
what the exact frequency range is, but you should be able
to come close with a little experimentation.


Subject:RE: Creating a telephone voice effect
Reply by: timoteo
Date:5/16/2001 6:13:41 PM

Telephone output corresponds to the following parameters:

8 or 16 bit

Subject:RE: Creating a telephone voice effect
Reply by: SeanC
Date:5/21/2001 9:00:03 AM

one of the best ways is to use a high pass filter set around 400 - 600 hz. Then play with boosting the 1k - 3k area. Finally, roll off starting around 6k.

The TC Native Bundle has a great preset for's right on. The above is essentially what they do.

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