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Subject:AcidPro3.0 in Sync w/ Cubase VST???...
Posted by: PoS
Date:5/13/2001 9:23:48 PM

How do I set this up? I "downloaded" my AcidPro 3.0 & I
cannot find the VMR (virtual midi router) file suggested
for this type of connection? I do have two audio cards for
seperating the two audio signals but, are two cards even
needed? It would be really cool if I could use my VST
Instruments directly from Acid (the reason I wish to sync
the two) but this seems impossible. Sombody please HELP ME!

Subject:RE: AcidPro3.0 in Sync w/ Cubase VST???...
Reply by: JONH
Date:5/14/2001 9:59:58 AM

I will send you the Virtual MIDI Router via email with
instructions to install it.


Subject:RE: AcidPro3.0 in Sync w/ Cubase VST???...
Reply by: PoS
Date:5/14/2001 1:38:12 PM

Thankyou for the help, but I am using AcidPro "3.0" now.
You have sent info concerning 2.0/2.0b. I did succesfully
install the "VMR" but after trying several different setups
I still get the "output in use" or "input in use" of
the "VMR", depending on configuration! I did get AcidPro
3.0 & Rebirth 2.0 to sync together so the "VMR" w/ Generate
Midi Clock is working. Last, if AcidPro 3.0 runs as master
(if i get it to work) will this allow midi from Cubase's
sequencer to be sent to the VSTs ('VIRTUAL' STUDIO

Subject:RE: AcidPro3.0 in Sync w/ Cubase VST???...
Reply by: pwppch
Date:5/15/2001 8:28:49 AM

Cubase has problems - i.e. it doesn't work - with the VMR.
You will have to use a third party router or a hardware
connection between Cubase and ACID.


Subject:RE: AcidPro3.0 in Sync w/ Cubase VST???...
Reply by: PoS
Date:5/15/2001 3:53:06 PM

Can U suggest such a hardware router to sync the two

Subject:RE: AcidPro3.0 in Sync w/ Cubase VST???...
Reply by: pwppch
Date:5/15/2001 5:56:24 PM

You might try the HUBI Loop back virtual MIDI router - like
our VMR. It works with Cubase. (No, I don't know where to
get it from.)

As far as doing it with hardware, just connect the output
of your external MIDI interface to the input of your
external MIDI interface. This is essentially what the VMR
and the like do.


Subject:RE: AcidPro3.0 in Sync w/ Cubase VST???...
Reply by: SonyKSA
Date:5/16/2001 8:15:22 AM

You can also now download VMR from our downloads
section under utilities. You'll need your serial
number to get at it. Jump right to it at:

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