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Subject:silence added when convert to mp3
Posted by: desertdirk
Date:5/8/2001 12:59:03 PM

I have a 3 second *.wav file i converted to mp3, but it
added a silence at the beginning and end of it. I want ot
loop this but when I delete or trim the silence then save
the file it is just added back in. How do i get rid of this?

Subject:RE: silence added when convert to mp3
Reply by: nlamartina
Date:5/8/2001 4:43:36 PM


Unfortunately, there's nothing you can do to get rid of
these silence periods. It's a feature of the encoder
itself. It has something to do with the MP3 format, if I
remember correctly. Any other program or encoder will do
the exact same thing. If you want to loop it, use a
different format.

Hope this answers your question,
Nick LaMartina

Subject:RE: silence added when convert to mp3
Reply by: Beep
Date:5/8/2001 4:48:34 PM

Why in the world would you even want to make a 3 second .wav to an mp3 and then loop it?
There's no rational explanation for that kind of behavior. ;-)

Subject:RE: silence added when convert to mp3
Reply by: desertdirk
Date:5/8/2001 4:53:53 PM

there is when it is being streamed onver the internet and
bandwidth is a concern. This reduces the file from 340k to
64k. The sound is associated with a waterfall which i have
animated in Adobe's virtual realty software called

Just because you can't conceive of a reason to do it
doesn't mean there isn't a reason. What do care any way?

Subject:RE: silence added when convert to mp3
Reply by: desertdirk
Date:5/8/2001 4:56:34 PM

thanks for the info. I did try it on a couple differnet
converters and as you said got the same results. Seems like
every step of this project I am bashing my head into a
stone wall.
Thanks anyway

Subject:RE: silence added when convert to mp3
Reply by: Beep
Date:5/9/2001 2:42:36 AM

I'm so sorry I offended you mister Desert, if you noticed the smile after the message it was a little joke. Not a put down.
Your purpose is clear, though most would admit a 3 second wave file isn't that big. Make sure it's mono, chop it into a 1.5
second file. it will loop great, and if it's a waterfall will sound terrific. Besides there are better ways to go about it for web
Lighten up. :-)
I promise I will too.;-)

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