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Subject:MIDI doesn't play out loud while recording?????
Posted by: SonicZlady
Date:5/8/2001 10:46:15 AM

I've just been brushed off by a tech support at Sonic Foundry and I can't believe what he just said about this
simple feature. I wanted to see if anyone else out there is experiencing this as well because to me (a so so
musician), it really sucks. When I record a MIDI track, I can not hear the notes playing while I'm recording. I
see the "monitor" meters moving and I can play back the midi track, I just need to hear what I am playing while
I'm playing (I am no Beethoven!). The tech just told me "We're an audio company so your recording won't
trigger any sound in ACID" which makes the feature pretty useless for me and also makes me wonder why it
can "trigger a sound" during playback..... I'm looking for someone to tell me for sure whether or not you hear
your MIDI notes while you're recording a MIDI track. Thanks very much in advance.

Note: I have checked my volume settings and my other seq software works fine (Cakewalk, Cubase and Logic


Subject:RE: MIDI doesn't play out loud while recording?????
Reply by: MBerger
Date:5/8/2001 10:55:41 AM

What type of Sound Card are you using (or better yet, what
MIDI interface are you recording through)? Have you
checked your settings for Playback and Record (of MIDI) for
this device? In Options/Preferences/MIDI what do you have
set for "MIDI Thru Device for recording"?

Subject:RE: MIDI doesn't play out loud while recording?????
Reply by: SonicZlady
Date:5/8/2001 11:05:29 AM

My midi interface is on my Guillemot ISIS sound card and it's connected directly to my controller keyboard. I
have verified all my volume/mute settings for playback and record (even enabling things I don't use). Midi Thru
device is set to none. Are you getting MIDI sound while you record?

Subject:RE: MIDI doesn't play out loud while recording?????
Reply by: pwppch
Date:5/8/2001 11:14:18 AM

In order to hear what you are playing during MIDI record,
you must set your MIDI thru device in the Options |
Preferecen MIDI page.

-Set the MIDI Thru port to the device that is connected to
the external sound module/keyboard/etc that you want to
monitor with. Note: You cannot monitor MIDI recording using
the DirectMusic Softsynth.

-Select your desired MIDI Input device as your recording

- Enable monitor in the record dlg.

What ever you input to the selected MIDI input device will
be monitored or "thru'd" to the thru device you selected.


Subject:RE: MIDI doesn't play out loud while recording?????
Reply by: SonicZlady
Date:5/8/2001 11:30:09 AM

Thank you MBerger and SonicPCH!!!! Changing the MIDI thru device worked. So much for Sonic Foundry's
telephone support. I talked to two different techs and both told me it couldn't be done. tech even
had me look at the MIDI Thru Device to make sure it was set to none. I really appreciate your help!

Subject:RE: MIDI doesn't play out loud while recording?????
Reply by: pwppch
Date:5/9/2001 12:11:18 AM

Glad to help.

Give our tech support a chance. ACID 3 is brand new and
they are covering a number of new features all at once. I
am sure that the problem was more of miscommunication than
anything else. They are learning the lingo as well as the
feature set of ACID 3.

I know how it works because I wrote it. They have asked us -
engineering - for a solid review of the MIDI features, but
this review has not happened yet.


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