
Former user wrote on 1/18/2010, 7:30 AM
That's a good one. I sent a copy to my co-workers.

Dave T2
UlfLaursen wrote on 1/18/2010, 7:45 AM
Year - funny :)

Former user wrote on 1/18/2010, 8:46 AM
That comes from Despair and their line of "Demotivators" posters:


Jay Gladwell wrote on 1/18/2010, 10:55 AM

Yes, that's where I got it.

Former user wrote on 1/18/2010, 11:15 AM
I just posted the link to the site in case anyone would like to check out some of the other posters. I've visited their site on and off for the last few years and have bought a few items. I think their stuff is hilarious.

TShaw wrote on 1/18/2010, 6:54 PM
Great way to start the week!


Tim L wrote on 1/18/2010, 7:20 PM
Okay, sorry to hijack a thread but it fits the posted topic of "OT: Funny" and it is related to video production.

I saw this earlier today posted on another forum:

We Got That B Roll

Laurence wrote on 1/18/2010, 8:29 PM
That B-Roll video is just too funny!
ushere wrote on 1/18/2010, 11:10 PM
just jotted down b roll's number - might come in handy for the odd b roll.......
Grazie wrote on 1/19/2010, 2:40 AM

- g
Rory Cooper wrote on 1/19/2010, 6:34 AM
Or……..If you don’t take care as a customer you will be bugged

Jay Gladwell wrote on 1/19/2010, 7:51 AM

That is, without a doubt, the crappiest video I have ever attempted to watch online. Could they have compressed it any more???

PeterWright wrote on 1/19/2010, 8:18 AM
> "Could they have compressed it any more???"

Maybe not Jay, but it's the message, that's what matters.

To me, this was clearly about b-roll.
Jay Gladwell wrote on 1/19/2010, 8:27 AM

Peter, I was referring to the video xfx had posted the link to.

PeterWright wrote on 1/19/2010, 8:57 AM
Sorry Jay - crossed wire.
Jay Gladwell wrote on 1/19/2010, 9:08 AM

I should have been more clear, Peter.

(Crossing wires can be shocking!)