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Subject:Acid Pro 6....sending bus output to track
Posted by: Allen Anacostia
Date:1/1/2010 4:30:05 PM

Happy New Year!

ANY help would be most appreciated. This is what i'm wondering - is there a way to route the output from a bus back to a new track. I want to send the original track into a bus and add effects and then bring THAT modified signal into a new,empty track? I would like the original and the modified track to BOTH be seperately available. Is there a way to do this? I've seen somewhere that this could be done (just like on a 'real' mixing board, but the 'in-the-box' aspect is giving me trouble. I just can;t seem to conceptualize how to do this. I thank you in advance..

Subject:RE: Acid Pro 6....sending bus output to track
Reply by: drbam
Date:1/1/2010 6:44:17 PM

Solo the bus - render it with the effects and processing you want and it will appear as a new track at the bottom of your session. You will have to draw it out on the timeline and then make sure you select "one shot" in the file properties (as opposed to "Beatmapped" which is the default).

Subject:RE: Acid Pro 6....sending bus output to track
Reply by: pwppch
Date:1/2/2010 11:15:30 AM

is there a way to route the output from a bus back to a new track.

No. ACID does not allow you to record from a bus.

What you can do is

- Duplicate the Track, and then apply the FX to that track as desired.
- Render to new track. You can apply the FX to the original track or to the new track.

Is there something about either of these that won't solve the problem you want to solve?


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