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Subject:Video vs. MIDI in Acid 3.0
Posted by: Habitual
Date:4/27/2001 10:52:33 PM


The "decision" to not provide event editing that you speak
of.....what was that based on?

I find it very hard to believe there were more users who
requested video integration, than those who begged for
(full)MIDI support.

But then again, the screenshots on your website sure do
look flashy and inticing with those cool video images all
over the ACID layout........

Oh well. after youve sold enough units, maybe you can
focus a little more energy on MUSIC creation features in a
minor upgrade. If your marketing department approves, that

Nothing personal Peter.

Subject:RE: Video vs. MIDI in Acid 3.0
Reply by: melodywhore
Date:4/28/2001 8:16:16 PM

I think SF has done a great job with 3.0. I think SF was
trying to focus more on their existing product and
enhancements to it than trying to bring Acid into
competition with existing products like Cakewalk, Cubase,
and Reason. Why mess with perfection?


Subject:RE: Video vs. MIDI in Acid 3.0
Reply by: MacMoney
Date:4/29/2001 9:54:32 AM

I second that!
I like 3.0 you can now add DX FX to a trk, The Beatmapper
is God sent for doing Remixes, What took me a few hours to
chop and do sample skipping can be done in a few seconds.
And the new Vegas style Busses and Assn. FX. DLS (Down
Loadable Sounds)Softsynths And some stuff Sonic Foundry
hasn't even posted On the web like Saving as! You
can take you Acid project and save as it does is
it takes ALL the files and zip them as ONE file. so now you
can e-mail it to anyone with 3.0 and they can open it. I
did a 43mb file it zip it to 29mb. CD extraction I have
about 50 to 60 audio sample CDs Do you know how long its
taken me to Convert them to Acid format? Now I can pop in
an Audio CD and pull the samples right off the CD and Cut
it up in the Chopping Block. Im glad SF did not take Acid
to "BE ALL DO ALL Program" Some people will bet their lives
that Cakewalk is the BEST, Logic is the BEST, Cubase is the
BEST, let them keep what ever they LOVE and still use Acid
to take their music to another level. Just my .02cents

George Ware

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