
Former user wrote on 12/12/2009, 7:42 AM
I avoid DL like the plague. It may work on one player, but not on others. It will stutter, freeze and other annoying things.

Unless you are going to commercially press the disk, I would go with two disks.

Dave T2
Arthur.S wrote on 12/19/2009, 8:40 AM
Glad you got it sorted. Been using DL for a while now. Only problem was when I tried some cheapo discs. If I use Verbatim DVD+DL no problems at all (In over a year). I choose the layer break in DVDA. Make sure there's a suitable chapter at around the 1 hr mark. A fade to black is the least noticable layer change.
Paul Masters wrote on 12/19/2009, 9:02 AM
I have only used DVD+RDL because I read they are more compatable that -RDL (al thought not as compatable as DVD-R.
Only had one person say they conldn't play all of the disk. Made a new one and all was OK.
I have always used TDK media (tape, cassets, CD, DVD) but was running out of DVD+RDL and couldn't find any more TDK. So I got Memorex (I don't like Memorex on general principals - and bad 'luck' with thier products).
I can't get any of my burners to burn one - all Sony of verious versions, including a BD drive.
So, I bought some Sony DVD+RDL and they worked OK.
Paul Masters