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Subject:acid 3.0 help
Posted by: kezone
Date:4/21/2001 6:52:33 PM

Ever since I installed the acid 3.0 beta and direct x 8
runtime and the dx8 video update some of my other audio
software won't work, like cubase and my windows media player
give me program performed illegal operation every time I
try to run them.
Is anyone else having this problem?

Subject:RE: acid 3.0 help
Reply by: Habitual
Date:4/22/2001 4:15:01 PM

DX8 has been reported to screw Cubase, Nuendo, ect. Re-
installation of the OS has been the only fix for many

Subject:RE: acid 3.0 help
Reply by: kezone
Date:4/22/2001 9:11:44 PM

thanks, I'll reinstall my os tonight

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