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Subject:SoundFont support in 3.0?
Posted by: ernando
Date:4/18/2001 2:50:51 PM

Considering the billions of SoundBlaster Live! cards out
there, this would seem to be essential! I've just
purchased all four discs in the Orchestral series, and I'd
like to be able to use the new MIDI functions in conjunction
with all of the symphonic SoundFonts I have. Cakewalk,
Digital Orchestrator, and even the free Massiva support
this very popular format- I'm sure the talented developers
at Sonic Foundry can do it, too....Whatta ya say, guys?

Subject:RE: SoundFont support in 3.0?
Reply by: Habitual
Date:4/22/2001 4:06:45 PM

Hey, good call ernando. I can think of another thing that
I would consider essential......MIDI EVENT EDITING. Hello?
What can I do with the midi implimentation in Acid? Play my
Burt Bacharach midi file collection? Not even a simple
quantize function. Oh well, I guess its the thought that
counts. So how about some of that then?

Subject:RE: SoundFont support in 3.0?
Reply by: TheBoyFlood
Date:4/23/2001 11:34:50 AM

Just what I was thinking!! Glad I'm not the only one!!!

Subject:RE: SoundFont support in 3.0?
Reply by: pwppch
Date:4/24/2001 1:51:49 AM

ACID is an arranger. ACID is not a sequencer. This was a
design choice on our part. (Not an easy one, as we _knew_
that users would be asking us for MIDI event editing

It treats MIDI just like it treats audio. It expects the
media to be ready for use.

You have to edit audio off line. ACID does not permit you
to do destructive editing of audio. MIDI is treated the
same way. Just like you must use Forge (or another) editor
to alter your loops, you must use a MIDI editor to alter
your MIDI data.


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