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Subject:Still no odd time sig's in acid?
Posted by: darkside
Date:4/20/2001 1:27:18 AM

Any chance of different time signatures making it to the

Anyone find something I diddn't?

Subject:RE: Still no odd time sig's in acid?
Reply by: SlowX
Date:4/20/2001 1:12:34 PM

I haven't found anything, but even just 3/4 & 5/4 would be
great (and probably would cover any variations thereof).


Subject:RE: Still no odd time sig's in acid?
Reply by: marks
Date:4/21/2001 11:08:18 PM

here's a workaround..... set the loop properties "measure,
to 3/4 the original amount... leave the time signature at
4/4... Then pretend that you are working in 3/4... doesn't
work on all samples, but some will sound like they are in
3/4... I too wish we had a 3/4 or 6/8 option

Subject:RE: Still no odd time sig's in acid?
Reply by: darkside
Date:5/2/2001 5:51:14 PM

I was hopeing to do 7/8 and be able to switch time sig's in
the middle of a song, just like a tempo change.

No such luck.

Do I have to wait for ver. 4?

Or will it be on the final release?

I thought this was a fairly common request.

Subject:RE: Still no odd time sig's in acid?
Reply by: ramone
Date:5/3/2001 8:27:20 AM

just saw this on acidplanet:

Does anyone know how to do odd time signatures in Acid?

No, it's not possible. And it not going to be possible in
ACID 3.0 either, unfortunately. There were many other new
features that won out over the ability to have time
signatures other that 4/4.

There is a new feature in ACID 3.0 called the Chopper that
really helps out for stuff like this, though. You can open
a loop in the chopper and select a fragment of any length,
and click to add this to your track. So you can take a 4/4
loop, select the first 2 and 1/2 beats, and throw it into
your track as a measure of 5/8.

Dave Hollinden

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