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Subject:new features listed here, if you hadn't found them already
Posted by: CDM
Date:4/17/2001 5:37:00 PM

Some of you may not be Vegas users and may not know that
some of this stuff is in Acid 3.0, so I thought I would
list some very handy editing features:

To temporarily make more workspace for yourself hit F11 and
the views disappear.

To slip the media within an event - alt+drag with the left
mouse button and your media will move within the event
without moving the event itself. Very handy for fine tune

To create a "crossfade" between two different overlapping
tracks - select the two events (as long as they overlap in
time) and hit the "F" key. This will create a fade in on
one and a fade out on the other.

Ctrl-alt and left-mouseclick drag will move the event
without moving the media within the event.

ctrl-drag will copy an event.

To copy envelope points to other tracks, choose the
envelope tool, make a time-selection over the envelope
points (they will become white in the middle if they are
selected) and hit ctrl-c to copy. Then select another track
(or two or three) on the left (the track header section)
and ctrl-v to paste to the same spot or make a new
selection to paste elsewhere. You can also move clumps of
envelope points this way as well.

I'm sure you've all noticed the Master Bus. Yay!!!

Create quick fade-ins and outs by dragging on the edge of
an event when the cursor turns into a fade-tool

Get a mouse with a WHEEL!!! It allows you to zoom in and
out SO much more easily.

Notice that there are Time Markers now which move with the
tempo change.

The "D" key cycles through all the tools.

well, that's all I can think of for now. Hope that helps.

Subject:RE: new features listed here, if you hadn't found them already
Reply by: RoadDog
Date:4/18/2001 10:57:20 AM

Thanks a ton for these, they have helped.

Subject:RE: new features listed here, if you hadn't found them already
Reply by: SlowX
Date:4/19/2001 8:33:51 AM




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