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Subject:some thoughts on beta
Posted by: skeletal
Date:4/18/2001 4:31:34 AM

I'm really glad you decided to include an option to
open 'all file types', but in the explorer view it will
also show hidden files, which can be annoying when you are
browsing a directory with 2-300 hidden peak files.

Also when using the paint tool with one-shot samples, it
doesnt work the same as in Acid 2.0. It feels a little
awkward when you want to quickly paint 16ths or some kind
of roll. I like how it's now possible to erase only the
middle or parts of one-shots though. It's nice for quickly
creating a gate effect. hmm... hope that makes sense.

Also, when using the 'replace file' feature in the track
properties, it would be nice if there was file-previewing.
Not necessarily auto bpm previewing, just previewing so you
know what sample you want to pick.

I really like how you've made things compatible with a
wheel mouse! :)

Subject:RE: some thoughts on beta
Reply by: Rockitglider
Date:4/18/2001 5:09:15 AM

I also noticed how the paint feature is not good for one
shots, I don't think I like that part, but do agree with
the rest of your comments.


Subject:RE: some thoughts on beta
Reply by: CDM
Date:4/18/2001 11:30:36 AM

Having never really used the Paint feature before - I
always use the draw tool - I just compared the two actions
in both programs and I have to say that it seems to make
more sense to me in Acid 3.0. In acid 2, it would paint the
next instance of the one shot OVER the provious one, at the
next grid mark, rather than waiting until this one shot was
painted completely and drawing the next one at the next
grid mark. Makes sense to me, but then I don't really use
that feature with one shots, so maybe I'm wrong.

Subject:RE: some thoughts on beta
Reply by: SlowX
Date:4/19/2001 8:32:49 AM

Although the way the paint brush works makes more sense in
3.0, I kind of liked the effect of overlapping in 2.0.

Just my two cents.


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