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Subject:Acid 3.0 Envelopes
Posted by: frankii
Date:4/19/2001 7:10:49 AM

Hi all, love Acid 3.0, clean and seems, hmm, and has a
somewhat cleaner sparkle to it.

Anyway, in acid 2.0 when you had loops on say track 1 and
you erased and divided the loop into many pieaces across
the project, and wanted to add varying volumes to each
piece, you just click on the piece raise/lower the volume
and done.

Now it seems there is only one envelope across the whole
track, whether or not there are visisble samples playing or
not. This is very, very time consuming if I have to add
points throughout the whole track just to raise or lower
and envelope to varying degree's for each pieace. In other
words, if I raise the volume on say piece #2, the whole
volume envelope raises across the whole track. I then have
to adjust the track with points all over the place.

Am I doing something wrong? Or will this be resolved.
This is very important to me.


Subject:RE: Acid 3.0 Envelopes
Reply by: frankii
Date:4/19/2001 7:17:57 AM

not to mention that in order to raise the volume say on one
piece of sample, you have to create 4 points, which is many
more steps...

SAMPLE *-----------------*

POINTS A_____B-----C_____D
across one piece of sample
Raise B&C to raise volume (example)

Acid 2.0, you just added envelope and raised lowered did NOT effect the overall track...

I do hope this is not the case...

Subject:RE: Acid 3.0 Envelopes SOULUTION FOUND
Reply by: frankii
Date:4/20/2001 12:01:38 PM

hmm, curious knowone mentioned this...
even tech support missed this one...anyway..

by using the auto crossfades, you can create a in and out
fade and then select the point (middle in my example) and
auto drag it down...

much easier...much better....and to think I doubted sonic --
shame on me...


Subject:RE: Acid 3.0 Envelopes SOULUTION FOUND
Reply by: CDM
Date:4/20/2001 12:49:25 PM

I'm not sure what you mean...

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