Subject:Odd Fader Behaviou in AP7
Posted by: inocmusic
Date:11/24/2009 5:40:26 PM
I've notice a strange fader behaviour in Acid Pro 7. I'm running in XP SP3 When I type a value in the gain in the mixer on a stereo track it's fine. If i then type another value in or drag the fader up or down to affect the left Channel and the right channel differently by a factor of plus or minus the previous gain setting I had put in puting the track off center. Pan is still set to center If I double click the fader it resets to zero and both channels are back Where they Started and are now properly coupled togerther unless I type a gain value in again It's like the fader is acting as a locked dual fader with the left and right channels set at different settings but the onscreen display is a single fader that doesn't have the option to change left and right channels independently Anyone else seen this? Message last edited on11/24/2009 5:41:35 PM byinocmusic. |
Subject:RE: Odd Fader Behaviou in AP7
Reply by: pwppch
Date:11/25/2009 7:11:34 AM
Only the Master bus and Sub busses routed to hardware have stereo faders, so I don't understand how you are typing in a value for a stereo "track". Busses that have dual faders also do not have pan, so I don't follow you with your pan comment either. Busses in the Mix Console view with Dual faders have a "lock" setting as well. Where in the UI are you typing in the value? If I double click the fader it resets to zero and both channels are back Where they Started and are now properly coupled togerther unless I type a gain value in again This is expected behavior. Double clicking on a double fader thumb whether they are locked or not always resets to 0. I can see the argument for an unlocked pair only zeroing the thumb you double clicked on. It's like the fader is acting as a locked dual fader with the left and right channels set at different settings but the onscreen display is a single fader that doesn't have the option to change left and right channels independently It sounds like the bus is in automation mode. When a bus routed to hardware is in automation mode, they expose a single fader, not a dual fader. Could you provide some more details? Thanks Peter |
Subject:RE: Odd Fader Behaviou in AP7
Reply by: inocmusic
Date:11/25/2009 7:52:03 AM
Hi Peter Yes the track fader is only a single fader sorry I was not clear about it, see if tis explains things better: if I double click on 0 db in the mixer view on a track with a single fader for both channels and say type in a value of 1.0db gain on a stereo track (2 meters one fader) lets say my out put now peaks on both L & R channel at -7 db on that track Now if I double click on 1.0db and change the value to 0 db and reset the peak meters and replay my track now the L channel peaks at - 8db and the right channel still peaks at -7db It's as if there is an invisible fader for the other channel that is not effected after the first value change. If I slide the fader I now have a fader that moves a continously off center signal if I double click the fader itself then both L & R Channels go back to peaking at -8db This is before I do any automation and so aoutomation is not on. It seems to happen with both increasing and reducing gain on a track fader |
Subject:RE: Odd Fader Behaviou in AP7
Reply by: pwppch
Date:11/27/2009 9:09:33 AM
I am unable to reproduce this behavior. I tested with a stereo sine wave @ 440, with each channel at -3 dB in the file. The pan model for the track is set to Add channels (0dB). The track is panned center. When I playback with no gain on the audio track, the meters for the track are at -3 dB. When I type in the gain for the track at 1.0 dB on the Mix Console or the Track header, the resultant ouput is -2 dB - as expected. When I type in the gain for the track to 0 dB, the resultant output is -3 dB- as expected. I also tried with complex media/loops that I am familar with with a specific peak db of -0.3 db. Again, the results were as expected following your procedure. ??? Peter |