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Subject:SampleGrabber In 4.5??
Posted by: marks
Date:4/17/2001 6:39:21 PM

I sent a letter to tech help and the answer didn't help...
does anyone else have SampleGrabber listed among thier
Sound Forge 4.5 Direct X plug-ins???? I don't know what it
is or where it came from but I don't ever remember it being

Subject:RE: SampleGrabber In 4.5??
Reply by: Ted_H
Date:4/18/2001 10:50:41 AM

Sample Grabber is installed with either Windows Media
Player 7, or Windows 2000/ME. I've got it on my machine
too, but it doesn't do anything except generate an error
message when you select it in Sound Forge 4.5, so I'm not
sure what it's for. The strange thing is that it does not
show up in Vegas, Acid, or Sound Forge 5.0, just Sound
Forge 4.5.


Subject:RE: SampleGrabber In 4.5??
Reply by: marks
Date:4/18/2001 2:39:29 PM

That's exactly what I get, an error message...... is there
a way to remove it from my plug-ins....?? also on the same
note.. is this the case with "PVTimeScale Plug-in".. or is
that a Sonic Foundry goody?? I ran it on something and
didn't notice any difference in audio... what does it do if
it is a sonic Foundry plugi-in... how do I remove plug-ins
from my list?? Thanks for any help you have and can give
me... :)

Subject:RE: SampleGrabber In 4.5??
Reply by: nlamartina
Date:4/19/2001 1:04:32 AM

If you want to unistall/manage your plugins, try this:

It's called DXMan, a freeware DX plugin manager. Move,
change, delete, etc. It should suit your needs just fine.

Have fun,
Nick LaMartina

Subject:RE: SampleGrabber In 4.5??
Reply by: nlamartina
Date:4/19/2001 1:14:46 AM

Oh yeah, forgot to mention that "PVTimeScale Plug-in" is a
SoundBlaster plug-in that allows you to speed up/slow down
MP3/VCD/WAV playback in PlayCenter without distortion (some
funky resampling scheme or something). It's not bad either.
Gives the Acid time scaling equation a run for its money.
However, it's only for playback using the program, not for
use as an appliable effect. Even then, I wouldn't delete it
unless you have no intention of ever using PlayCenter.

Nick LaMartina

Subject:RE: SampleGrabber In 4.5??
Reply by: johnvulich
Date:4/23/2001 5:47:51 PM

>If you want to unistall/manage your plugins, try this:
>It's called DXMan, a freeware DX plugin manager. Move,
>change, delete, etc. It should suit your needs just fine.

NO... that's not the way to do it. If you use DXMan it will
be removed from the system and unavailable to any other
apps that might need it.

The .ddl for Sample Grabber is located at

Just drag and drop it right on top of Sound Forge and you
will be prompted with a choice to register the .dll with
Sound Forge. Choose "No" and it will be un-registered.

Glad to tell Sound Forge Techs how to do their job!


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