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Subject:Recorded tracks are not playing back in time with music
Posted by: WorkingMusician
Date:3/25/2001 11:08:01 PM


Have a couple Acid tracks (drums) locked and in the project

I recorded a live guitar part in time with the drum tracks.
Probably about 1 min worth.

Upon playback the guitar part is not in time with the drum
tracks, even though initally it was played correctly.

Can Acid be used in this fashion?(i.e. a psuedo
multitracker) Or can I only record, create a loop and then
use in the song.

It appears that latency is an issue.

I am monitoring through a Mackie 2408, so technically
latency SHOULDN'T be an issue.

My system:

Win 98SE, 700 p3. 512 mg RAM, Supermicro p6SBU with latest
bios flash, 2 IBM ultrastar 7200 SCSI, 1 Quantum Atlas 10k
SCSI. Acid 1.0d.

Thanks in advance
Mark Baker

Subject:RE: Recorded tracks are not playing back in time with music
Reply by: WorkingMusician
Date:3/25/2001 11:09:56 PM

Forgot a MOTU 2408 and Hamerfall 96/52 for sound cards with
Direct X 7

Subject:RE: Recorded tracks are not playing back in time with music
Reply by: WorkingMusician
Date:4/16/2001 2:32:17 PM

Is this issue solved with Acid 3.0?

Subject:RE: Recorded tracks are not playing back in time with music
Reply by: John_Pemble
Date:4/16/2001 7:46:56 PM

Yes You can basically use ACID as a multitrack recorder. I
do it all the time with ACID PRO 2.0 Don't kno what you
are doing wrong. I didn't have to think to even do mine it
just worked that easy.

Keep trying, because it does work.

did you make your recorded track a loop? That would be the
bad thing to do. make your recorded track a one shot and
you will hve it right on.

-john pemble

Subject:RE: Recorded tracks are not playing back in time with music
Reply by: fresnog
Date:4/21/2001 11:30:03 AM

When you open the record window to start newly recorded
track, make sure the 'make new track follow project tempo'
box is unchecked. Otherwise, Acid will 'acidize' your
playing which you do not want unless you are making a loop

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