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Subject:Recording via microphone jack (Did RealJukebox override?)
Posted by: constructor
Date:4/14/2001 3:19:15 PM

I have recorded my guitar/vocals many times in Acid with no
problems, always going through the microphone jack. I
recently went to record and the monator is showing that no
sound is being received.

Sound comes out of my speakers so it's going through my
system o.k. If I go through the 'line in' jack, I get
levels but sounds like butt. I have checked all levels on
my sound system, nothing is muted etc. I have the same
problem in Vegas and Sound Forge.

Now... I had downloaded Real Jukbox I am not sure if I've
recorded in Acid since then. Important Fact: I can record
via the microphone jack in Real Jukbox. Did it override
my settings in my other programs?

I have removed Real Jukebox and all other Real products and
the problem persists.

Any help out there?

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