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Subject:SF 50 and CD Architect 4!
Posted by: wbe
Date:3/31/2001 11:47:50 AM

I 've heard that CD Architect 4 doesn't work on SF 5.0
It is not nice from the Sonic Foundry people!

We all payed for it, and now.....(??)


Subject:RE: SF 50 and CD Architect 4!
Reply by: Rednroll
Date:3/31/2001 8:16:48 PM

this topic has been raging in this forum since they first
release v5.0, welcome to the masses of dissatisfied

Subject:RE: SF 50 and CD Architect 4!
Reply by: Ted_H
Date:4/2/2001 11:28:21 AM

This is due to changes made to the Sound Forge engine. You
can have Sound Forge 5.0 installed on the same machine as a
previous version so that you can continue using CD


Subject:RE: SF 50 and CD Architect 4!
Reply by: trouble_t_roy
Date:4/3/2001 12:51:36 PM

So why not update CD Architect to work with SF 5?

Subject:RE: SF 50 and CD Architect 4!
Reply by: dougsha
Date:4/14/2001 1:39:54 AM

Sneaky move by Sonic Foundry. I feel screwed. I got a new
TDK CD-Burner and my old CD-A won't even work standalone.
The CD-burning capabilities of SF 5 are a sad joke.

I write software so I know the tradeoffs and I know that CD-
A was not making money. But I am a registered SForge and CD-
A and Acid Music owner and I got no nice little discount
offer when I upgraded to 5.0, when Sonic Foundry had the
data (but probably didn't want to examine it) to let them
know that they would have a very unhappy consumer on their
hands. I certainly would have appreciated email telling me
that CD-A was dead and don't count on having it work with
SF 5.0, which of course I assumed was a given and
influenced my decision to upgrade to 5.0.

Any companies have competitive upgrades on similar
products? Now that the whole Sonic Foundry Line is slipping
(look at the Best of the Year in Electronic Musician -
Steinberg WaveLab 3.0 won best audio-editing software) I
feel I've got to jump to another company.

Subject:RE: SF 50 and CD Architect 4!
Reply by: MM2000
Date:4/14/2001 5:46:42 AM

It is a shame we, who have helped Sonic foundry grow to
experience the success it has, are suddenly being left
behind. We have invested in Sound Forge, CD Architect,
Noise Removal, Vegas Pro Audio & Video, Acid....and now the
latest information coming from the SF Voicebox is, "We no
longer support that particular product (CD Architect)".
My thought is: why not? It is a Great Product. So you
changed the engine in SF 5.0, is it impossible to adapt CD
Architect to that engine and offer those of us who are
registered owners and users a simple upgrade enabling it to
function with SF 5.0? Where is the logic of abandoning us
like that? And where is the logic of maintaining SF 4.5 and
5.0 together on the same computer? Is that supporting your
user base?
Greed comes with many faces. Is this one of them? Please
excuse my abrasive descriptions, but I personally have many
of the products I mentioned earlier and have just upgraded
to SF 5.0. I am now questioning my needing to upgrade. I
had a much better suite with version 4.5! CD Architect is a
very important component in our studio's toolbox. We use it
almost everyday. It gives us very tight control on a CD
project from layout to burn time. For Sonic Foundry to
abandon those of us who realize the value of CD Architect
and use it very often in business, is a real shame. For
them to just offer to us to keep both versions of SF on our
computers as a solution to us is unfortunate!
We can only hope they will read these messages and take it
to heart, Come through with a fix enabling CD Architect to
work with version 5.0. Is that asking too much of their
software writers?

Subject:RE: SF 50 and CD Architect 4!
Reply by: pwppch
Date:4/15/2001 9:50:11 PM

Why is it a problem to have Forge 4.5 and 5 installed at
the same time? I have heard this complaint before, and I
just want to know why this is such a problem?


Subject:RE: SF 50 and CD Architect 4!
Reply by: nlamartina
Date:4/16/2001 3:49:44 PM


There have been a number of reasons people have been
unsatisfied with having v4.5 and v5.0 installed on the same
machine. The validity of the arguments from either camp is
a matter of opinion though. Some folks really don't care,
but for others it's a major conern. I refer you to a
previous thread:

This is a 31 post-long debate over this very issue. It also
got off-topic occasionally, but overall, I think it was an
educational experience for us, snippy remarks and all. It's
also a pretty entertaining read, so I'll just give you the
link and leave it at that. Make the decision for yourself.

Nick LaMartina

Subject:RE: SF 50 and CD Architect 4!
Reply by: DataCowboy
Date:4/16/2001 11:22:09 PM

Hi Peter,

Dual installs violate the "Keep it simple" rule.

It's not such a big deal to have 4.5 installed along with
5.0, assuming your company is the only one to ever force me
into that situation. But maybe tomorrow Cakewalk will do
something to force me to keep dual versions. Then why not
Propellerheads? And maybe FruityLoops, Steinberg, Cubase,
Mark of the Unicorn, Nemesys, and so on will do the same.

Every application added to a system makes it that much
harder to maintain. Keeping a computer lean and mean on
its apps is about the only way to keep a Windows DAW
working well over time (I don't even install betas or demos
on my DAW anymore without first imaging the registry or

Elegance and simplicity are guiding principles of software
development - a dual install conforms to neither.

Hex (aka Chris)

Subject:RE: SF 50 and CD Architect 4!
Reply by: wasteland
Date:4/26/2001 12:31:20 PM

It is not only terribly innefficient to have to continually switch back and forth between programs in a studio, where time is
money, but it is also one more step that I will have to remember to take in order to properly burn a CD in the already
complicated world of digital mixdown. I already have enough gear and equipment of which to keep track. I have a need to
keep everything simple, straightforward, and above all as quick and easy to use as possible. I liked SF 4.5, because it fit in
with my system.

My question to Soundforge would be, why would I want to put up with being forced to run 2 versions of the same program
at the same time, using up valuable memory space in both RAM and on the Hard Drive, additionally making it that much more
difficult to burn a CD, or to train new engineers, simply to get the production that I need? At the same time watching as
CD-A slowly becomes obsolete, because it is no longer supported. I also feel cheated, as I didn't know of that this was an
issue until after I installed SF 5.0. I expected a nice upgrade with some new features I could use. What I got was a setback.
I don't think I will be able to use it in my studio. I hope either an upgrade to SF5.0 or CD-A is considered, soon. Otherwise I
will feel abandoned by Soundforge, and will look elsewhere to invest my money. I'm sure that I'm not the only one. I
remember a computer called Atari a few years ago ....... hmmmm

Subject:RE: SF 50 and CD Architect 4!
Reply by: Jay J
Date:5/22/2001 12:26:45 AM

I have the same concerns, and will finally post. I find in an inconvience, although a willing sacrafice. I have been purchasing SF software for years and have even beta tested different pluggins for SF in the past. I don't believe the folks to be ignorant of the fact the CDA is probably the best "Editing/CD-Burning" software available, as far as I am concerned.

I have utmost faith in the folks at SF that they are working to develop a 24/96 DVD/5.1 audio burning software that will include similar features to CDA and backward compatibility. I would expect this is why they aren't supportin the 16/44.1 system that works just fine stand alone. If they don't somebody will.


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