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Subject:ACID PRO 3.0 Beta Bugs
Posted by: jackrudy
Date:4/13/2001 10:50:23 PM

Just downloaded today. Looks great. Isn't working great:
Splash screen makes me register every time I open app.
Splash screen says I have 6 days left. But my math says May
15 is 32 days away.
Where's the "device selection" button? It's not where the
help file says it should be.
While playing a song, the whole thing crashes. "exception
fault". Freeze.
Windows ME. 120mb ram. Runtime 8.

Subject:RE: ACID PRO 3.0 Beta Bugs
Reply by: Rockitglider
Date:4/14/2001 12:32:11 AM

I have the same problems

Subject:RE: ACID PRO 3.0 Beta Bugs
Reply by: pwppch
Date:4/14/2001 9:30:02 AM

>>Where's the "device selection" button? It's not where the
>>help file says it should be.

You are either using the Mapper or you only have a single
stereo device intstall on your system. If you have a
multiport device on your system, you need to go to the
application preferences and select one of these devices as
your default output device. This will enable all the
remainder of the ports.


Subject:RE: ACID PRO 3.0 Beta Bugs
Reply by: Rockitglider
Date:4/14/2001 10:02:32 AM

What about the register problem?

Subject:RE: ACID PRO 3.0 Beta Bugs
Reply by: Rockitglider
Date:4/14/2001 12:27:47 PM

Hello I figured out how to register.

Go to the help file and select register and select register
on different computer by phone then step through the pages
untill it gives you an html file to save then save it to
your hard drive then get on line and double click that file
and it will take you to SF reg. site then complete info
there and the reg. file will be E-Mailed to you then double
click that registry file and your set for 30 days

See ya

Subject:RE: ACID PRO 3.0 Beta Bugs
Reply by: jackrudy
Date:4/14/2001 2:36:38 PM

I set the playback device as "soundblaster". The field
above it shows blank.

Subject:RE: ACID PRO 3.0 Beta Bugs
Reply by: jackrudy
Date:4/14/2001 2:37:55 PM

Wow! Complicated, but clear. Thanks.

Subject:RE: ACID PRO 3.0 Beta Bugs
Reply by: billybk
Date:4/14/2001 3:22:22 PM

Thanks for registration info, it
was a bit confusing. I was ready to e-mail
SF support.

Billy Buck

Subject:RE: ACID PRO 3.0 Beta Bugs
Reply by: nlamartina
Date:4/14/2001 4:13:19 PM


This is classified in the readme file as a "known issue".
Be sure to read through it first. That field apparently
does no more harm than good.

Nick LaMartina

Subject:RE: ACID PRO 3.0 Beta Bugs
Reply by: Rockitglider
Date:4/14/2001 9:10:33 PM

Yeah I was determined to get it redgistered I tried on the
phone and the girl on the line said my trial period had
ended and I said it did'nt even start yet the program kept

Anyway it looks like we have our work cut out for us on
this Beta, it seems pretty buggy so far I get jittery
playback when I add any kind of effects to a project
Running 650 PIII W/320 Meg of ram with sound blaster
Platinum Live sound card, its like the curser keeps
skipping when scanning across on playback. And when I
select the Chopper the program crashes alltogether

See ya

Subject:RE: ACID PRO 3.0 Beta Bugs
Reply by: jackrudy
Date:4/14/2001 11:24:36 PM

Thanks. I've now read the readme. I usually name my secret
files "readme" because no one ever reads them.

I noticed the issue about lack of reverse compatibility
with 2.0.

Subject:RE: ACID PRO 3.0 Beta Bugs
Reply by: WalterJr
Date:4/15/2001 8:02:51 AM

The Midi Option didnt accept a 3rd part dls sound. If you
convert a soundfont to dls and try to use it on the synth
player it doesnt sound correct.
In time : dls????
Why dont guys on Sonic Foundry didnt put a common and
universally acclaimed SoundFont 2 support ;=)
Just my modest opinion...
Very nice app indeed...
Newly in time : :=) How about a special offer for
registering via internet download like with SoundForge
5????Without libraries??? Sell the libraries apart :=)
Will be marvellous for us , poor 3rd world musicians , that
want to pay for our tools...and dont want to be exploited
by our corrupot governments and their absurd taxes ;=)
Just my modest opinion .... again

Walter Jr

Subject:RE: ACID PRO 3.0 Beta Bugs
Reply by: Rockitglider
Date:4/15/2001 12:21:39 PM


Maybe its my computer, But if I put more than 4 loops in a
project and add 3 or 4 effects to it I start to get
skipping, and my CPU meter goes up to 99%, And soon as it
hits 100% it starts skipping. I have a 650 PIII Proc. with
320 Meg. of Ram and a sound blaster live platinum card.
Is anyone else having problems like this please respond.

Thanks, Rockitglider

Subject:RE: ACID PRO 3.0 Beta Bugs
Reply by: nlamartina
Date:4/15/2001 12:48:02 PM


I sounds like you're overloading the CPU, no question. Even
with a 650mHz processor, three simultaneous FX might be too
much, especially if they're complex acoustic patterns or
something similar. When you hit the play button, is there a
bit of a delay before the song gets going? If not, there
should be. That would be the auto-buffer at work, and it
would stop skipping. Try adjusting the playback buffer like

1. Goto "OPTIONS" menu.
3. Select the "AUDIO" tab.
4. Adjust the plackback slider to give more buffer.

I also have a Live! Platinum, and I find it can work in a
pretty taxing environment with a 0.25 sec delay. I've also
got a 450mHz processor, but I haven't had problems with FX.
I wouldn't rule the problem out as a buffer issue though.
Try adjusting it and see what happens.

Good luck,
Nick LaMartina

Subject:RE: ACID PRO 3.0 Beta Bugs
Reply by: jackrudy
Date:4/15/2001 2:18:17 PM

"loop playback" isn't working. Click the loop playback
button. Blue bar appears over tracks. But both play buttons
do to same thing -- start at 00:00:00, rather than where
the blue bar starts.

Subject:RE: ACID PRO 3.0 Beta Bugs
Reply by: billybk
Date:4/15/2001 5:14:54 PM

I have also noticed, that if you add multible effects
to the master effects bus via the effects chainer, it
will freeze up on you. Although, sometimes you can get
out of it by doing a ctl/alt delete, then close out of
the dialog box. The last plugin you inserted into the
plugin chainer will suddenly appear and you can continue
on as normal. Other times it will require you to actually
close out of the program, if the task manager dialog
says that ACID is not responding.

Billy Buck

Subject:RE: ACID PRO 3.0 Beta Bugs
Reply by: pwppch
Date:4/15/2001 9:35:38 PM

ACID 3 has the Vegas loop bar implementation. You are not
restricted to playing from only the loop selection.

- If you start playback before the loop selection, you will
play into the loop and then loop around.
- If you start at or inside the loop, you will play the loop
- If you start after the loop, you will skip over the loop.


Subject:RE: ACID PRO 3.0 Beta Bugs
Reply by: pwppch
Date:4/15/2001 9:36:54 PM

The play from beginning transport control will always play
from 0. The play from cursor button will play from the
current cursor position. If the current cursor is at 0,
then this is where it will start.


Subject:RE: ACID PRO 3.0 Beta Bugs
Reply by: pwppch
Date:4/15/2001 9:39:00 PM

You should not get this kind of performance.

Which effects are you adding?

Are you adding them as track insert fx, bus inserts fx, or
as assignable FX?

The FX model for ACID 3 is the Vegas Audio model. It is
_very_ different than the way we routed FX in ACID 1/2.


Subject:RE: ACID PRO 3.0 Beta Bugs
Reply by: Rockitglider
Date:4/15/2001 10:25:53 PM

Hi all

I'm adding the effects as insert effects next to the add
bus button, and I don't have any midi in the song but I do
have the midi enabled in prefs. I printed the manual today
I'm going to read more on routing effects and get back to
But keep in mind that I'm still at 89% CPU usage with no
effects on so i don;t know if thats going to matter and
thats with only 6 loops in the song

See ya

Subject:RE: ACID PRO 3.0 Beta Bugs
Reply by: SonicKim
Date:4/16/2001 5:56:59 PM

Yes, you do indeed have more than six days to stress test
the beta. Over the weekend, we uncovered a problem with our
registration process and fixed it in the last hour or so.

Next time you open ACID, register it and you should be all
set until the true beta period expires. Sorry for the

Subject:RE: ACID PRO 3.0 Beta Bugs
Reply by: melodywhore
Date:4/17/2001 9:24:53 AM

Has anyone had Acid Pro 3.0 crash with a GPF in kernel32?
I've had this happen more than once while previewing loops while the song is playing.
I've got an AMD K6 III 400MHz with 128MB RAM and a SB Live! Value - Win98 SE.

Subject:RE: ACID PRO 3.0 Beta Bugs
Reply by: nlamartina
Date:4/17/2001 12:26:17 PM


My friend, I have experienced a similar problem. This is
important, since my setup is nearly identical to yours (AMD
K6-3 450, 128MB, SBLive!, Win 98 SE) Now try something for
me... Go to "FILE" menu and select "RENDER AS". Then
select "AVI" as the file format, and hit the "CUSTOM"
button. What happens? Does the program crash? Do you get an
IPF? If so, please reply. This is a bug I reported that the
developers have been having trouble reproducing, so if you
could confirm with similar results, you'd really help
narrow the issue down. Thanks!

Nick LaMartina

Subject:RE: ACID PRO 3.0 Beta Bugs
Reply by: melodywhore
Date:4/18/2001 6:34:59 AM

I was not able to duplicate your error or crash.
I've just recently made some experimental changes to the
system that I'm going to see if that makes a difference in
performance. I'll be sure to share them if they seem to
make a significant difference.


Subject:RE: ACID PRO 3.0 Beta Bugs
Reply by: damaja
Date:5/3/2001 3:09:26 PM

I'm having similar problems. I was able to use the program without any problems a coupla days ago, but when
I tried to use it last night I had some major problems. I have a file with 12 loops in it, that I've been working on
for a few days. But when I tried to play it back last night, I got a lot of stuttering. What I found was that whatever
value I set the buffer at, it played back half that amount, then stopped to rebuffer. And the greater the value I set
the buffer, of course, the longer it takes to rebuffer. So if I set the buffer to about 0.06 seconds, I can get almost
continuous playback, but it sounds bloody awful, kinda like the whole thing is timestretched (I mean like a
timestretch effect used in old jungle and stuff) only noisier.

I've found that if I make a new file, with only 1 loop it will play for about a minute before it starts having
problems. But as soon as I add another loop it starts playing the length of the buffer then rebuffering. If I add a
third loop, it goes down to about half the length of the buffer, as above. Soloing a track doesn't seem to help.

I don't have quite such a robust system as other people here: only a PII 333MHz, 64MB RAM, and a 40.9GB
hard drive, with Win98SE running. The program is installed on a 4.6GB partition, with about 3GB free for the
temporary directory. The system and swap file are installed on a separate 4GB partition with 2.75GB free, and
the audio files are on another partition making up the rest of the disk space. My soundcard is an SBLive Value.
However, as I said, I had no problems using the program with this system configuration until last night. The
only change I made to my system between last night and the last time I used the program was recording 3
760MB DJ mixes to my data partition, using up a little over 2GB. No other programs are having any problems.

I'm downloading build 165 right now to see if that fixes the problem (I currently have build 143 installed). But it
seems like it's going to take a very very long time.

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