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Subject:I Need Mad Help!!!
Posted by: trunls57
Date:4/13/2001 9:30:49 PM

What I am doing is using Acid Music 2.0 and am wanting to
crossfade songs together, so one plays into another! I can
get it to do this by using the volume envelopes,but what I
want to know how to do now if possible is, can i make it so
when i put the songs together they done save as one long
song,can i seperated each song so they are seperate tracks
on a cd and still have the crossfade in there or is this
program not going to do this for me?!

Please help!

Subject:RE: I Need Mad Help!!!
Reply by: jackrudy
Date:4/13/2001 10:55:51 PM

I'm really no expert. But I know this:
When doing a "save as" from the "file" menu, there's a
check box that says "save contents of loop window". If you
set the loop window (the blue bar over the tracks) to the
first half, then do a save, you'll have that half saved.
Then repeat for the second half.

Subject:RE: I Need Mad Help!!!
Reply by: Rockitglider
Date:4/14/2001 12:37:25 AM

You can save the songs with the Fades at the beggining
but you'll have to do each song alone
I would save them as MP3 then import them into Siren and
burn the CD from there or another burning program

Subject:RE: I Need Mad Help!!!
Reply by: constructor
Date:4/14/2001 3:34:06 PM

-Save each song as a .wav file (under file/save as).
-Open a new file
-File/open both of the songs in .wav format, they will
apear on seperate tracks and fade one in and one out

When you open a file in .wav format, you have to click and
drag to place the song in there.

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