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Subject:My RAM is your RAM?
Posted by: ControllerC
Date:4/6/2001 6:54:56 PM

I recently learned a few basic things about RAM- and I was
suprised to find out that my Dell Dimension 4100 PC came
stocked with 128MB of 64bit non parity SDRAM!- which
basically means my RAM is about ten times more likely to
experience memory "soft errors"(if I read correctly a soft
error will lock your system making it necessary to reboot)
than 72-bit ECC(Error Correcting Code)RAM. Of course my
P111 chipset is compatible with 72bit ECCRam but at the
time of my purchase I knew nothing of RAM nor was I told
about my RAM options when I bought my Dell! I recently
installed more of this non-error protected RAM and
installed before finding this info- So be warned- if you
have 62bit RAM make sure you save your project after every
usable take! For more info chack out
What kind of Ram do you have? Maybe in this thread people
can list their brand/type of RAM and how it has worked for
them as well as methods of RAM optimization

Subject:RE: My RAM is your RAM?
Reply by: sreams
Date:4/11/2001 2:09:33 PM

In theory... this is true. The fact is, most crashes are
NOT the result of soft-errors in RAM.

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