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Subject:Different Tempos for different loops
Posted by: Creative718
Date:4/5/2001 5:32:20 PM

How do you set different tempos for different loops? thanks

Subject:RE: Different Tempos for different loops
Reply by: lnetzel
Date:4/10/2001 4:55:51 AM

You don't! You timestretch them intead!

Subject:RE: Different Tempos for different loops
Reply by: Bandar
Date:4/10/2001 8:57:35 AM


The tempo of the loops in any given piece is governed by
the overall tempo of the piece itself. In other words, if
you have a song that is running at 150 bpm, you can't have
individual tracks within running at a tempo of, say, 75 bpm.

What you can do in the above situation, however, is take a
loop at 75 bpm and, using the "properties" tab at the
bottom of the screen, double (or triple, etc.) the beats
per measure. I think this will approximate what you're
after. This will also result in some degree of distortion
- the extent of distortion really varies from loop to loop
- but once the loop is sitting in the mix with other
tracks, the distortion may not be noticeable. You'll have
to experiment.

Hope this helps.

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