Help please: Two Camcorders for 2500

Xavion Kron wrote on 9/24/2009, 7:36 AM
I need to take advantage of an opportunity we have at work. I've been approved to purchase Vegas PRO 9 and two cameras. They will be used for basic A/V needs, recording meetings and events at work. Every once in a while we will be asked to record and edit a promo or equipment demo, nothing major.

With a $2500 budget for the camcorders is it possible to find two decent camera's are should I just buy one.


busterkeaton wrote on 9/24/2009, 8:50 AM
How often would you need to use two cameras?

The sony FX7 is around $2000

I would also check out what machine they have in mind for editing and make sure it can handle HD. The FX7 is HDV, if you go with an AVCHD camera you need even more computing power.
grasshopper wrote on 9/24/2009, 9:50 AM
Another thought would be to look at the used camera DV market. For instance, if you go to and look in the Marketplace section of the site, you will run across people upgrading to HD and selling off their Panasonic DVX100's. I would recommend the DVX100A. That is the camera I have and it a great cam for the type of work you are talking about. Your thoughts?
