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Subject:HELP!! "A necessary LIST header is missing."
Posted by: SlowX
Date:3/28/2001 10:00:59 AM


While trying to open an ACID file that I thought I saved w/
embedded loops, I get:
>>An error occurred while opening the file...

The file is most likely corrupted or of an unknown format.
A necessary LIST header is missing.<<

The file partially opens (one or two tracks are still
there), but that's it.

Does anyone know how to get the info back for the file?
Based on its size I doubt the loops are indeed embedded,
but even to have to relink them would be grand.

Anyone ever encounter this problem and know what I need to
do to prevent it from hapenning again?

Thanks in advance.


Subject:RE: HELP!!
Reply by: DataCowboy
Date:3/30/2001 3:35:41 PM

A LIST header is a chunk of data in a RIFF file format
(.ACD's are a form of RIFF file), so it looks like you've
got a corrupted file. It may or may not be possible to
fix - depending on a couple factors.

First scenario, if the LIST header is bad because the file
was only partially written, then you've really got nothing
to fix - the data's gone.

Second scenario, where there's just a one or even a few
incorrect characters written into the file, it can be
repaired with a hexadecimal/binary file editor if you know
what the header should look like.

If you've noticed the file is a lot smaller than it ought
to be, the first situation is the likely one.


Subject:RE: HELP!!
Reply by: SlowX
Date:4/2/2001 8:53:52 AM

Thanks for the info!

And, yes, the file is smaller than it should be. I wonder
if it's due to embedded files not being included, as
opposed to missing data., allowing for me to relink

Would that be possible?


Subject:RE: HELP!!
Reply by: DataCowboy
Date:4/2/2001 12:29:23 PM

Yes, it's possible, but it might prove rather time
consuming. You would need to copy the the hexadecimal data
of the wave files into the acid file at the right
locations, and possibly place in some additional chunk

I have decoded a fair amount of the ACID file format (for a
series of utilities I wrote for my own use mostly), and if
you want I can take a look at the file to see exactly what
is wrong with it. As long as it's under about 3 meg I can
recieve it at You're the first person
I know who's had the problem so I'm interested to what Acid
did wrong in the save.


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