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Subject:Please help: Skipping when recording in sound forge
Posted by: apoc55
Date:3/23/2001 4:54:02 PM

I have a Sony VAIO SR17 notebook which came with SoundForge
4.5(i think). One of the purposes of buying this machine
was so that i could record my original tracks into wav
files and then convert them to MP3's. However, each time i
try recording, the sound files are plagued
by 'skipping'(missing data of short length in time) at
random points in the file. The laptop is a pentium 3
700Mhz with 128MB RAM. It has a 40GB hard disk. I've
tried shutting down EVERYTHING other than Sound Forge,
turning off virtual memory, and upgrading the sound drivers
with no improvement! ANY suggestions would be greatly
appreciated. Thanks!

Subject:RE: Please help: Skipping when recording in sound forge
Reply by: Doug_Marshall
Date:3/23/2001 8:47:51 PM

Try increasing the "Total buffer size" setting in the
Options/Preferences/Waves section of the program. This
should help unless the skipping is caused by a conflict in
your system. Also, in the same "waves" section make sure
your input and output settings are for your sound card and
not Microsoft Sound Mapper. Don't know if that makes a
difference but it might. - Doug

Subject:RE: Please help: Skipping when recording in sound forge
Reply by: recordpusher
Date:3/30/2001 4:51:02 PM

I have had the exact same problem when using 4.0. A lot of
my recordings "Skip". I just bought 5.0, hope this works

Subject:RE: Please help: Skipping when recording in sound forge
Reply by: Sonic
Date:4/16/2001 12:37:15 PM

Some audio drivers expect certain record buffer lengths
(typically multiples of 4096). If this unspoken rule is
broken, some drivers will gap on record. Really, there
should be no length assumption, but it is unfortunately
common practice. We'll take care of this in the next
update. It should fix issues with a number of audio cards.

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