DVDA 5 menu preview?

stevengotts wrote on 9/11/2009, 8:41 AM
Anyone who uses DVDA 5 frequently know why when previewing the menu, the down button on the virtual remote labeled as down actualy moves the selection up. and the button labeled up, actually moves the selection down. Im confused, and against a deadline. no Matter how I arange the menu, up is down and down is up.


Former user wrote on 9/11/2009, 8:49 AM
Did you turn on the Navigation arrows to see what path the buttons are set for?

Dave T2
stevengotts wrote on 9/11/2009, 9:02 AM
High Dave
Thanks for the quick reply. Im not sure. inside of dvda there was a up down left right, and I believe I set them correctly. should I maybe reverse them?
stevengotts wrote on 9/11/2009, 9:51 AM
Thanks Dave
I reversed the navigation, and it works. even the navigation seems oppisite, all that maters is it works now. thanks
Former user wrote on 9/11/2009, 10:42 AM
I would be curious to see a screen capture to see how the paths flow.

I stil use 4 and the navigation is correct there.

Dave T2
stevengotts wrote on 9/11/2009, 1:03 PM
Im not sure how I would post it. I dont recall this as being an issue in 4.5 .To get it to work properly I set as such. 1st menu is "kids" 2nd item is parents. navigation is set on both buttons as up 1:parents and Down 2:Kids . its rare I author DVDs so maybe im not doing things right
thanks and Have a great weekend.