Safe area problem

wikksmith wrote on 8/25/2009, 11:40 AM
I'm rendering 1920 x 1080 clips as a mp4 for ipod playback. I used track motion, but kept the video just outside the outer safe area. With playback, the image appears to shrink and expand as the vertical and horizontal black margins move in and out. How do I maintain a constant image size if i can't depend on the safe areas?
Thanks, wikksmith


rs170a wrote on 8/25/2009, 11:48 AM
Don't blame the safe area if your image "appears to shrink and expand as the vertical and horizontal black margins move in and out."
This sounds like a stray keyframe issue in your Track Motion set up so that's where I'd look first.

SCS PBC wrote on 8/25/2009, 11:53 AM
My experience with iPod touch/iPhone screens is that there is no overscan. So, you shouldn't really need to resize the video to fit within the safe area.
wikksmith wrote on 8/25/2009, 2:44 PM
Thanks for the replys.
The size of the field IS changing as I pan and zoom using track motion; I'm doing this intentionally to keep the subject centered in the field of view. Before rendering, on the preview screen, the horizontal and vertical borders stay outside of the outer safe zone marker throughout the clip; it's when I render and playback on Windows media player or Quick time or an ipod or upload to smugmug that the borders zoom in and out of view, i.e. the "safe area" is different on final playback than it appears on the preview screen. Other than trial and error, how can I know what the actual safe area will be?
Thanks, wikksmith
Former user wrote on 8/25/2009, 3:57 PM
Create a test video with a numbered grids Render that to your Ipod file and then play it back making note of which numbered grids you see. This becomes your reference for future title safe.

Remember though, this is only relevent to that one device. Every TV/monitor has a slightly different title safe area. The nature of manufacturing unfortunately.

Dave T2
John_Cline wrote on 8/25/2009, 8:11 PM
The iPhone/iTouch will display the full screen so turn off the safe title and action borders. They mean nothing, there is no such thing as safe title and safe action on an iPhone./iTouch. If you can see a horizontal or vertical border anywhere on the Vegas preview screen, then you will see it on the iPhone/iTouch.
PeterWright wrote on 8/25/2009, 8:27 PM
If you want to "re-centre" a picture, use Pan/Crop - the overall frame stays the same but you can zoom in and around.