
rs170a wrote on 7/25/2009, 8:43 AM
Pinnacle cards have never worked in Vegas so you need to get a proper firewire card.

UlfLaursen wrote on 7/25/2009, 8:43 AM
Hi Paul

Is it an both FireWire and Analoug card with breakoutbox?

I have one of theese (one of the first), and the firewirepart is TI based normal FireWire and I can capture in any application.

Can you capture with anything else?


Paul Van Lint wrote on 7/25/2009, 8:57 AM
It is an both FireWire and Analoug card with breakoutbox?

I can capture with amcap. But this makes no sence. On top of this I don't know if it works in HDV.

What should I do?

musicvid10 wrote on 7/25/2009, 9:08 AM
What should I do?
Compliant firewire cards are $10-15.
Paul Van Lint wrote on 7/25/2009, 9:13 AM
What am I doing wrong?

kentwolf wrote on 7/25/2009, 10:14 AM
Unless things changed, Scenalyzer (SCLive) would work (capture) with Pinnacle hardware, at least it did as of Studio 8.

Worked great.

>>...Installed my ieee 1394 card...

I believe I am correct in saying that Pinnacle hardware is not IEEE1394 compliant...or it would be working.

It is better to get a non-proprietary solution though.

But if you can't...lookup Scenalyzer (SCLive) and test it with the free trial.
UlfLaursen wrote on 7/25/2009, 11:42 AM
You should be able to see it in the devicemanager, and it should install with std. drivers from windows, and afaik the pinnacle cards will. Mine does at least, but it's quite old now.

Else just get another firewirecard as recommended from others - they are cheap.

Paul Van Lint wrote on 7/26/2009, 6:55 AM
Thanks Ulf !
