Video Event FX not working

Delpi wrote on 7/9/2009, 7:41 AM
All of a sudden I am unable to get Vegas (9 Pro) preview to respect Event FX.

I am dealing only with stills.

I can place several Event Fx (es) on an event and I can set the properties, but the preview window does not respect any of the settings.

When I render the loop, it appears as it should.
Any ideas?



SCS PBC wrote on 7/9/2009, 7:51 AM
Do you have FX bypass enabled? For a screenshot take a look here.
Delpi wrote on 7/12/2009, 7:15 PM
Yes, FX was bypassed but I kept trying to solve the problem by clicking the down arrow to the right of the button.

All is well now. Sorry to have to trouble the forums.

I've yet to find a good way to learn this stuff except trial and error!
