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Subject:Acid 2.0 Cant Specify Input Device
Posted by: NewKidOnBlock
Date:3/6/2001 7:36:29 PM

When I click on Red record button, a window does not open
to allow me to select the input device. (In this case it is
a sound card ALS 100). As a result, the monitor does not
indicate anything coming from the mic port. However; I can
hear the output from my PC speakers. I have checked all of
my Volume Control settings Playback Music CD Player and
Wave Out and they are wide open. Ditto on Recording

Subject:RE: Acid 2.0 Cant Specify Input Device
Reply by: dk00
Date:3/8/2001 2:08:24 PM

Do you have any kind of mixer software? With my sound card
I have to select what i record through my SoundBlaster

Subject:RE: Acid 2.0 Cant Specify Input Device
Reply by: NewKidOnBlock
Date:3/11/2001 10:46:54 AM

I reinstalled the drivers for my Advanced Logic soundcard,
and lo an behold a deal (mixer ?) called ALSRACK showed up
on the screen. It has midi, wave, cd player, tape, etc.
channels with little machines for each device. It appears
that it still relies on Winamp to actually play the CD
etc. The record button only shows up on the tape player
(dual tapes). When I click on it while Acid is in
resident, I get this error message saying "You need two 16
bit samples for dual processing.... Check your settings and
try again". I have no idea where to go from there. The
thing I have not been able to do is get the sound card to
recognize the "record" command from Acid. I know it
recognizes the mic input, because I can hear the output
thru the PC speakers. Any help would be appreciated.

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