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Subject:URGENT: VERIFY FAILURE message, AP7 crash
Posted by: ohmayamusic
Date:6/26/2009 7:19:32 AM

I am using the 30 day trial of Acid Pro 7.0.5 with the intention to purchase the upgrade from AP6. I own registered copies of both AP5 and 6. Running Win XP Pro, SP2 on a core duo PC 3.8 Ghz with 4 GB RAM. I also use a Steinberg USB MI4 MIDI audio interface and a MAudio 2X2 Midiman with the latest manufacturer's drivers.

AP7 was running fine and then every time I loaded an audio track and clicked on it, I receive a popup that says that an exception has occured, then a popup that gives the following error messgae:

.\Portable\ReWireDD.cpp(893): VERIFY FAILURE
I close the erro and the same message pops up again with the number (1208) and a third time with the number (3544).

I also noticed that the program is giving a error message that the Midiman is in use and the program shuts down. I reload it, and this time the Midiman is missing from the available devices.

I deleted and reinstalled the midiman drivers, restarted the PC and then the midiman reappeared. I deselected it and used the MIDI input on the Steinberg MI4. Recorded a midi track, then rendered it to a new track and got more error messages, this time that the midiman inputs were bad (even though I was no longer using them. The render worked, but when I clicked on the resulting audio track, the whole program dumped again, displaying the VERIFY FAILURE messages again.

I cannot use the program without it crashing. Before I completely uninstall/reinstall, I was hoping this error message indicated something that could be easily remedied. Afriad if I uninstall the demo, I wont be abel to run it again and will never know if the program wil work when purchased. I will try to uninstall the midiman drivers again and see if an older version of its driver will not cause the error. Will post results when I have them.

Subject:RE: URGENT: VERIFY FAILURE message, AP7 crash
Reply by: ohmayamusic
Date:6/26/2009 9:01:12 AM

Totally uninstalled the drivers for the MI4 interface and the midiman. Recorded a midi file in AP7 using soft synth FM8, then rendered it to a new track. All is good.

Reinstalled the driver for the Steinberg MI4 first - left the midiman off. Went back in to AP7, recorded a new midi file driving the FM8, then rendered to a new track again. The minute I clicked on the audio track to draw in the clip, I got the exception again and the program shut down. This time I copied the exception message:

ACID Pro 7.0
Version 7.0 (Build 502)
Exception 0xC0000005 (access violation) READ:0x00000000 IP:0x0049CF8E
In Module 'acid70.exe' at Address 0x00400000 + 0x0009CF8E
Thread: GUI ID=0x3E4 Stack=0x0012F000-0x00130000
EAX=00000000 CS=001b EIP=0049cf8e EFLGS=00210246
EBX=00000008 SS=0023 ESP=0012f104 EBP=04a2af70
ECX=04a14be0 DS=0023 ESI=00000000 FS=003b
EDX=00000001 ES=0023 EDI=00000000 GS=0000
Bytes at CS:EIP:
0049CF8E: 8B 16 8B 4A 0C 68 04 01 ...J.h..
0049CF96: 00 00 8D 84 24 84 02 00 ......
Stack Dump:
0012F104: 04A2AF70 04A10000 + 1AF70
0012F108: 002E052F 002D0000 + 1052F
0012F10C: 04A2AF70 04A10000 + 1AF70
0012F110: 0489C070 045D0000 + 2CC070
0012F114: FFFFFFFF
0012F118: 000A041F 00030000 + 7041F
0012F11C: 000A041F 00030000 + 7041F
0012F120: 000A041F 00030000 + 7041F
0012F124: 0012F164 00030000 + FF164
0012F128: 00000000
0012F12C: 00000001
0012F130: 0012F148 00030000 + FF148
0012F134: 0138A480 012F0000 + 9A480
0012F138: 00000000
0012F13C: 00150000 00150000 + 0
0012F140: 05060014 05030000 + 30014
> 0012F154: 7C910833 7C900000 + 10833 (ntdll.dll)
> 0012F18C: 009341F0 00400000 + 5341F0 (acid70.exe)
> 0012F190: 00930000 00400000 + 530000 (acid70.exe)
0012F194: 0012F264 00030000 + FF264
> 0012F198: 7C912754 7C900000 + 12754 (ntdll.dll)
0012F19C: 00000409
> 0012F1A0: 00930000 00400000 + 530000 (acid70.exe)
> 0012F1A4: 7C912937 7C900000 + 12937 (ntdll.dll)
0012F1A8: 00001189
> 0012F1AC: 7C910833 7C900000 + 10833 (ntdll.dll)
0012F1B0: 00001189
> 0012F1B8: 00400000 00400000 + 0 (acid70.exe)
> 0012F1BC: 004000F8 00400000 + F8 (acid70.exe)
0012F1C0: 0012F1B0 00030000 + FF1B0
0012F1C4: 003961A0 00390000 + 61A0
0012F1C8: 0012F1E8 00030000 + FF1E8
> 0012F1CC: 7C910895 7C900000 + 10895 (ntdll.dll)
> 0012F1D0: 00400000 00400000 + 0 (acid70.exe)
- - -
0012FFF0: 00000000
0012FFF4: 00000000
0012FFF8: 008433C1 00400000 + 4433C1 (acid70.exe)
0012FFFC: 00000000

I had a similar problem with AP6 until Peter sent me a new sfasio.dll file and them it was ok. Im wondering if Im having the same issue again. The driver version for the Steinberg MI4 is Can someone, maybe Peter take a look at this? It would appear that the Steinberg driver is not playing nice with Ap7?

Message last edited on6/26/2009 9:02:12 AM byohmayamusic.
Subject:RE: URGENT: VERIFY FAILURE message, AP7 crash
Reply by: Wizz
Date:6/26/2009 9:06:42 AM

You may also try this procedure from the Knowledge base.

Subject:RE: URGENT: VERIFY FAILURE message, AP7 crash
Reply by: ohmayamusic
Date:6/26/2009 9:31:55 AM

hi wiz - used your link and got an article about how to view hidden files in Windows. ???

Anyway. I restarted PC again and fiddled with the desktop driver setting for the Steinberg MI4 and it seems to be holding for now. Will try re-installing the midiman drivers and see if it still works or if the midiman crashes it again too. Maybe it's oone of those things that comes and goes, which is ok as long as it doesn't come when I forgot to save :)


Subject:RE: URGENT: VERIFY FAILURE message, AP7 crash
Reply by: ohmayamusic
Date:6/26/2009 9:32:59 AM

Oh...and I also closed Skype this time which I didn't realize was running in the BG last time. Any known issues with Skype hosing the audio drivers in AP7?

Subject:RE: URGENT: VERIFY FAILURE message, AP7 crash
Reply by: pwppch
Date:6/26/2009 9:48:07 AM

You are using an old build. ACID 7 is at rev C (build 651).

You should download the latest and try it as it corrects a number of issue.

If this is truely urgent, you need to contact our support group. These forums promise no resolution as they are peer to peer support.

The Rewire error mgs you are getting don't mean anything other than ACID crashed and could not release/clean up the ReWire subsystem. The error msg is produced by debug code that still exists in the Propellerheads ReWire binaries.


Message last edited on6/26/2009 9:50:38 AM bypwppch.
Subject:RE: URGENT: VERIFY FAILURE message, AP7 crash
Reply by: Wizz
Date:6/26/2009 2:47:30 PM

Sorry that was the wrong link. You can go to the knowledge base and type in rewire for the keyword, and also select Acid as the product

This should be the correct link.*R1mBj&p_accessibility=0&p_redirect=&p_lva=1254&p_sp=cF9zcmNoPTEmcF9zb3J0X2J5PSZwX2dyaWRzb3J0PSZwX3Jvd19jbnQ9Niw2JnBfcHJvZHM9NyZwX2NhdHM9JnBfcHY9MS43JnBfY3Y9JnBfcGFnZT0xJnBfc2VhcmNoX3RleHQ9cmV3aXJl&p_li=&p_topview=1

Subject:RE: URGENT: VERIFY FAILURE message, AP7 crash
Reply by: ohmayamusic
Date:6/26/2009 4:33:05 PM

Thanks Peter - will go the route of contacting support once I complete my purchase and will download the latest update as well

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