Removing dead space

Delpi wrote on 6/24/2009, 8:35 AM
I am very new to this video editing stuff but it appears to me that step one is to place video events on the timeline in the order that you want to work with them.

After manipulating a lot of stills, I often have large gaps between events. It seems that there should be a way to "tighten" things up by removing the dead space but I cant find a command to do so.

Can anyone offer a suggestion.




musicvid10 wrote on 6/24/2009, 8:38 AM
Look in your Vegas Help section for "ripple edit."
This will remove blank areas as you edit.
jrazz wrote on 6/24/2009, 8:40 AM
You can use ripple edit. It is on the toolbar in the "cursor type" section as an icon with a drop down arrow next to it so you can select what type of ripple you want to incorporate. Just be careful with it as you can sometimes move things unintentionally and wind up with the sound out of sync.

With that being said, there are also some scripts out there (check the script forum on Sony's site) for a script that will close gaps. I think JohnMeyer wrote one that will do this and I know that ultimate S pro 4 by Vasst has this included in it.

j razz
megabit wrote on 6/24/2009, 9:04 AM
Ripple will NOT remove empty spaces by itself !!!

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Chienworks wrote on 6/24/2009, 9:07 AM
Quite true. Ripple editing is a fantastic tool for keeping things together while you edit, but it won't remove space that's already there.

To remove a blank area double-click inside it on that track to select it, then push the Delete key. With ripple edits enabled everything after that space will slide over to the left.
SCS PBC wrote on 6/24/2009, 9:21 AM
Vegas Pro Production Assistant also has a tool for "closing gaps" on the timeline.
rs170a wrote on 6/24/2009, 9:28 AM
...there are also some scripts out there ...

I had this script sitting in my collection.
Try it and see if it works for you.
Save it as DeleteEmptySpaceBetweenEvents.js/


* Program:
* Description: This script will Delete Empty Space Between Events In Selected Tracks
* Author: Philip
* Date: August 31, 2003

import Sony.Vegas;
import System.Windows.Forms;
import Microsoft.Win32;

//time intervals for split events.


// step through all selected video events:
var FirstTrack : Track = Vegas.Project.Tracks.Item(0);

// step through all selected video events:
for (var track in Vegas.Project.Tracks) {
if( !track.Selected) continue;
var tracktime = new Timecode(0);
for (var evnt in track.Events) {
tracktime = tracktime + evnt.Length;

catch (errorMsg)
MessageBox.Show(errorMsg, "Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Exclamation);