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Subject:Acoustic Mirror Impulses Install
Posted by: SlowX
Date:2/26/2001 1:48:00 PM

I purchase SB5 on-line, and downloaded all the components,
including all the Acoustic Mirror Impulses.

Is there an elegant way to install them so that they appear
in the Acoustic Mirror window? Or does one need to Browse
each one separately?


Subject:RE: Acoustic Mirror Impulses Install
Reply by: gbat
Date:2/26/2001 3:28:49 PM

I just unzipped them into folder that I created
called "Impulses" under my Sound Forge 5 folder. When you
hit the browze button apparently it goes to the same file
everytime so they are all their. You could divide them up
into other catagories if you like. This thing is awesome,
isn't it?!

I downloaded the program a second time directly into my
burner so when I get a new DAW, (soon I hope), I can just
load up the program. I printed out the awesome PDF manual,
too, 392 pages! Took 5 hours!

SF, you rock!!!!!!

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