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Subject:SF5 - Massive time for minor Restore
Posted by: BrentA
Date:2/23/2001 1:31:02 AM

I have to admit I too am now regretting buying the
$99 "upgrade" to Sound Forge 5.0. After using it all day, I
really feel it is not quite ready for prime time. There
appears to be something seriously wrong with the Undo
(restore) feature.

I have a sample file that is 1:14:43.693 long, divided into
several regions. I tried an experiment in both programs
where I opened the file as Direct, selected a .464 second
portion of music and Copied it (to the clipboard). Then I
positioned the cursor bar .743 seconds into the file and
chose Paste Special/Overwrite. Both programs overwrote the
audio nearly instantaneously. But when I selected Undo,
they were quite different:

Sound Forge 4.5 XP immediately restored the file and in the
status bar displayed a Processing Time for the Restore
operation of .020 seconds. Screenshot (17KB) at

Sound Forge 5.0 had a long arduous restore process. First
the "Progress Bar" immediately goes to 75% and freezes
there, so it's not at all useful. Nothing else happens for
quite a while. Finally, well over 2 minutes, it finishes
the restore operation that took 4.5XP .02 seconds to
complete. The status bar displays the Processing Time for
the Restore operation as 2 minutes 37.317 seconds.
Screenshot (17KB) at

Note...the SF50 screenshot also shows the arbitrary tick
marks and times in the time ruler...and they just get more
arbitrary seeming the more I zoom in.

What the heck is going on here? I previously had 4.5 and
4.5 XP installed on my machine with none of the problems I
have been observing. I think I am going to revert back to
4.5 as I think it is more productive...especially for
working with files I intend to burn to CD using CD

I would be interested in hearing if anyone else is having
similar problems. To summarize, the problems I have
experienced so far with SF50 are:
1) Huge restore times when working with large files
2) Odd tick marks and times displayed on time ruler
3) Frequent unexplained rebuilding of peak files when going
between 5.0 and 4.5XP

I am willing to admit it's possible that some of these may
be due to odd settings on my machine, but as I did not
experience any of these with 4.5, I think maybe that is not
the problem.

Regards, Brent

Subject:RE: SF5 - Massive time for minor Restore
Reply by: CDM
Date:2/23/2001 8:21:39 AM

I have also seen this long undo behavior in 5.0. It took
three seconds to undo an EQ on a .9 second selection. I
also find strange and inconsistent behavior with the
building of peak files between apps... as for the ticks, I
haven't experienced this.


Subject:RE: SF5 - Massive time for minor Restore
Reply by: BeachDog
Date:2/24/2001 8:13:03 AM

I've also encountered the long wait for restore, for me it
was when unduing a short Mute. I'm sure SF knows about this
one. They may have even released 5.0 knowing they would
have to fix it in a patch. I think we will see an update
patch very soon. At least I hope so.

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