Video Wall? New to me . . . .

Grazie wrote on 5/25/2009, 2:28 PM
Anybody seen this one? . . . VideoWall?[/link]



farss wrote on 5/25/2009, 2:47 PM
Hadn't seen it before, does look useful, Downloaded and will try later.

Terry Esslinger wrote on 5/25/2009, 3:51 PM
Notice that it is only for Vegas 8.
Zulqar-Cheema wrote on 5/25/2009, 4:05 PM
I have, have to re-install it now as my system went boobs up
Harold Brown wrote on 5/25/2009, 4:48 PM
It was posted on the COW last August. I made a new post and asked David Pront if we was planning to make a version 9 available.
richard-courtney wrote on 5/25/2009, 7:38 PM
Looks like good software, still could one do it in Vegas?

OT: Hardware side if doing a real wall of monitors (rear projection screens).
I have used Alchemy boards from[/link]. Four port cards and their demo software
can play multiple video mpeg files. You can time it out so you have segments
of a single video or 4 (or more) separate videos on each display.
UlfLaursen wrote on 5/25/2009, 8:39 PM
Looks nice :-) Thanks for sharing, Grazie...

LJA wrote on 5/26/2009, 8:51 AM
Seems to work in V9 also, but you have to install it in V8 first then manually copy the files to V9 extensions folder.
Steve_Rhoden wrote on 5/26/2009, 1:58 PM

A version for 9 will be available soon.
Dale7 wrote on 5/26/2009, 2:59 PM
I don't seem to understand what the point of this software is...can't this easily be done by simply using track motion? What am I missing here?
tumbleweed7 wrote on 5/26/2009, 4:37 PM

If you go to the website & at "least" click the vegas video wall link, it explains what it does... : )
kentwolf wrote on 5/27/2009, 8:36 PM
This video wall looks pretty cool.

Question: I guess I am just not getting it with regard to specifying the part of the video to show (3 column example).

As per the documentation, it seems I should be able to specify the X, Y coordinates in the Properties tab, applicable to the channel in question. When I change the #'s on the X, Y value under the Location category, nothing changes. I even tried applying an angular/rotation change to one of the tracks, but nothing changes.

Am I missing something here? Running it on Vegas 9.
