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Subject:Acid 2.0 Music vs. Pro
Posted by: DJ_Stang
Date:2/8/2001 3:47:18 PM

What is the difference between Acid Music 2.0(which I have)
and Pro 2.0? Is there anything about Pro that should make
me want to upgrade to that or is Music good enough for
beginners like myself?

Subject:RE: Acid 2.0 Music vs. Pro
Reply by: Iacobus
Date:2/9/2001 11:18:24 PM

Take a look at the comparison between the versions:

For me, one of the biggest differences is being able to use
more than just one effect in a project. (I've used up to 6
different effects so far in a project. I was really happy
to have that feature when I needed it.)

Also, using envelopes just for the effects gives an even
greater amount of creative control, which means that you
can actually control how much of the effect you want to
apply at any particular point on the track. (After the
master fader, of course.)


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