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Subject:Acid music 2.0 and Mac
Posted by: thumbolt68
Date:2/6/2001 7:50:19 PM

I have Acid Music 2.0 on my PC and want get the file
into Digi001 on my Mac G4. Is it possible? Connectix
said Virtual PC is too resource intensive and will not be
good for music/graphics/games. They had no advise
for me.

Subject:RE: Acid music 2.0 and Mac
Reply by: jpd52
Date:2/13/2001 10:25:50 PM

Thombolt, I'm with you every step of the way. Been running
Acid Pro in Windows and loving the program. I work with Bil
Ward and have been using alot of his great playing on loops
he made for a few people. I've switched to Pro Tools in Mac
and have bought Phrazer for Mac, but it's not near as good
as Acid. I'd like to compare notes with you, whatever you
come up with. I was going to try Virtual PC till I read
your comments. There must be a way to get this done. I was
thinking of writing the loops in Windows, and then
importing the stereo tracks into Pro Tools, but I'd love to
have it on the MAC. Keep in touch.
Jon Pousette-Dart

Subject:RE: Acid music 2.0 and Mac
Reply by: Hagbard
Date:3/5/2001 9:00:03 AM

I´m running ACID pro 2 on a G4 with Insignia
Solution´s "RealPC" it´s not very ressource-hungry and
everything seems to work fine... VPC 4 is a very HUGE prog,
emulating LINUX and BeOS as well and for that it´s very
ressource-hungry, I think that´s why they don´t recommend
it for multimedia-use.

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