Vegas-edited trailer: Wild Gold Honey-Hunters

fausseplanete wrote on 5/4/2009, 4:04 PM
I just completed a trailer (using Vegas) to help promote a documentary project. Enjoy! main site linking onwards to and .
YouTube embeds here it seems but I think Vimeo shows it off best.
Any comments/critiques welcome. It's 4:3 because it was shot that way.


ushere wrote on 5/4/2009, 4:57 PM
pretty spectacular. can't wait to see the release!

Steve_Rhoden wrote on 5/4/2009, 5:06 PM

Great job...That trailer was brilliantly done.
Lyris wrote on 5/4/2009, 6:21 PM
Great footage and editing. My only criticism is the use of Arial - very pedestrian typeface.
TheHappyFriar wrote on 5/4/2009, 8:03 PM
yeah, I'd use courier most likely. ;)

i'm forwarding this to my dad. He raises honey bees as a hobby & would most likely LOVE this!
Rory Cooper wrote on 5/4/2009, 9:41 PM
Very nice

78 and still smoking?

I was wondering when we were going to get a close up of the main actors and you saved it for the very end.
farss wrote on 5/5/2009, 12:01 AM
Loved it. always enjoy this kind of content.
Kind of agree about the text though, why not get a local scribe to hand write it for you, in both English and the local language.

Grazie wrote on 5/5/2009, 2:47 AM
I liked all of it.

fab weighting of tonal music to images * ting - ting - ting*

great type face

majorly classy use of black

great type face

simple use of track motion

only crit, some zoom-ins and -outs not made consistent with images for this viewer's sense of narrative

great type face


ps:great type face

fausseplanete wrote on 5/5/2009, 4:09 AM
Hey thanks guys, I was prepared for anything when I opened this thread!

Typeface: yes I was never 100% happy about that, I just had to move on (to other work). I'll get together with Gore & co. and see what we can come up with later. Unfortunately, while Vimeo lets you re-upload a new version, YouTube doesn't. Then again, that should keep Grazie happy ;-)

Zoom in/out: I know it doesn't flow e.g. from longs progressively down to closes, I wonder is that what you mean (or was it the occasional "line-crossing") ? I tried doing that at first but instinctively preferred the more staccato effect of inconsistent zooms, I sensed more energy from it somehow (like some music vids). Experimenting with style I guess. I certainly appreciate feedback on whether it worked or not for other people - the ultimate test!

This project has been a real joy so far, I'm privileged to have such great material to work with. All happened because of a boring train journey where, clutching a book on editing, I got talking to a man carrying a brace of Manfrotto tripods. His english not so clear, he explained about his honey-hunting work and asked if I was interested in promoting it. Contacting companies is the next big job, and I'm on to that now. But if I can find time, I'll see if I can tweak a "Version 2" over on Vimeo...
farss wrote on 5/5/2009, 4:50 AM
I've got to ask, what does the honey taste like?

I've seen similar beehives in my travel through India, always hanging beneath the roof of some fort or palace high up on a cliff. As a child our family holidays were oftenly to an uncle's country home where a lot of bees were kept so as soon as I saw those wild hives in India I was thinking that could be yummy.

gpsmikey wrote on 5/5/2009, 7:10 AM
Very well done. As a former beekeeper, I think I will stick with the standard movable frame hives (big square boxes) most people are used to. Honey can certainly have lots of different tastes - here in the US, we have a full range from something like fireweed that is a very light/sweet honey to things like buckwheat and others that are quite dark and strong flavored. Other parts of the world have acacia etc that are excellent. One of the stranger honey's is heather honey - it is (if I remember correctly) thixiotropic honey --- it will turn to a gel. A quick stir and it is back to liquid again, but it sets up like jell-o (not crystalizing). Very strange stuff.

Pcamp wrote on 5/5/2009, 7:22 AM
Very nice work. I am impressed with the music too. What is your source for music?
Rory Cooper wrote on 5/5/2009, 7:55 AM
Hey mikey

I see some Asian counties bee populations are almost wiped out and they are doing the bees work by hand one fruit at a time
What’s the situ in the USA?

We get feinbos honey…man it smells amazing

Another thing about honey is if you have an open wound or meat coat it with pure honey because bacteria can’t propagate in pure honey

gpsmikey wrote on 5/5/2009, 8:07 AM
Above about 20% moisture, honey can ferment (hence mead), but below 16%, it is very stable (except for crystalizing - just warm it up to liquify it again). The acid in it is high enough that it apparently does inhibit bacterial growth. As far as the bee populations go in the US, some areas have had very serious population declines others have not been as bad. Last I heard they had not totally figured out exactly what was causing it either. There are many billions of dollars worth of crops that rely on honeybees for pollination (just in the US), so this is a big concern. I keep threatening to put a couple of hives back in my back yard just to help with the pollination in our residential area.

PeterWright wrote on 5/5/2009, 8:38 AM
fausseplanet, great work - trailers are to make people want to see the whole thing, and this certainly does that.
fausseplanete wrote on 5/5/2009, 12:35 PM
Bob: Dunno what it tastes like. I've not been there yet, hopefully next year. Gore Gurung shot the footage (with an incredibly steady hand), I just edited it to add a bit of "zing" for promotional and entertainment purposes.

Paul: Music credits are at the end of the vid, but to repeat them here:

Drum music: "Fight" by Joe Hague from his Graphonics CD. Joe is a composer who kindly agreed a licence for me use that music for youtube etc. Perfect for the job, just fell into place. Synchronicity incarnate. His website is

Mesmeric "Ting" music during credits: the end-bit of "Eternal Sunshine" by Nepalese musician Guarav Bomjan from his CD "Flute Fantasy". My Nepalese contacts verified that I can use that one. No website known. Wonderful sounds, he brings the traditional into the experimental.

The decline of the honey bee (and other pollinators) seems to be almost global now, very concerning, let's hope it's not like "The Death of Grass". Maybe they're safe in the mountains. Just watched a science TV program about "Network Science". Its main conclusion (regarding any pandemic etc.) is that if any country comes up with the solution, it would be in its best interest to share it globally. Otherwise the problem could keep coming back. Let's hope someone finds it.