VP 9.0 Upgrade - Am I The Only One...?

Jay Gladwell wrote on 4/28/2009, 4:19 AM

I've owned various versions of Vegas since 3.0 along with other SCS software since that time. Of course, all this software has been registered and they have my e-mail address, but I have never received the upgrade e-mails.

If it were not for the forum, I'd still be in version 3.0 waiting for an upgrade announcement.

Am I the only one this is happening to?


Chienworks wrote on 4/28/2009, 4:36 AM
Is it possible you've got your SCS profile set up to *not* be notified about upgrades and new releases?
Steven Myers wrote on 4/28/2009, 4:36 AM
Somewhere in the links at the top of this page (or maybe when you register software?), you need to check the box that authorizes SCS to send you email about its products.
You will get perhaps more "offers" than you'd like, but the number isn't oppressive. And you hear about the Vegas upgrade discounts.
Jay Gladwell wrote on 4/28/2009, 4:42 AM

No, it's checked to receive e-mail from SCS.

PeterWright wrote on 4/28/2009, 4:44 AM
Jay, just feel good that you've been chosen from so many to be the invisible man.

- as the others said, there must be a setting somewhere ........

edit - Changed email address?
Jøran Toresen wrote on 4/28/2009, 6:11 AM
I have the same problem.

SCS PBC wrote on 4/28/2009, 6:30 AM
You can sign up for email notifications on the home page. If you still do not receive emails from SCS after signing up there, then it's possible that the emails are being filtered into a spam folder. You may be able to add mail.sonycreativesoftware.com to a list of approved senders through your email's settings.
Jøran Toresen wrote on 4/28/2009, 6:53 AM
bops, I used to receive e-mails from SCS, but not after January 2009. This is not a spam filter problem.

Jøran Toresen
Jay Gladwell wrote on 4/28/2009, 8:01 AM

"This is not a spam filter problem."

Same here. Once in a blue moon I'll get a promotional piece about a product, but not an upgrade notification.


fldave wrote on 4/28/2009, 8:07 AM
Check your email address in the SCS settings, make sure there are no leading or trailing blanks. I had that issue once, and found a space in there. I get my emails now.
Jay Gladwell wrote on 4/28/2009, 8:19 AM

Dave, there doesn't appear to be any extra spaces. Thanks for the suggestion, though!

plasmavideo wrote on 4/28/2009, 8:47 AM
January seems to be the cutoff time I stopped receiving the monthly newsletter as well. I suspected my Comcast email provider, but I have a SPAM folder, and nothing from SCS shows up in it.
gpsmikey wrote on 4/28/2009, 8:58 AM
I got mine recently through Comcast, although Comcast seems to have a pattern of randomly just throwing things away without any record of it (and when you complain, they play stupid ... well, maybe it's not an act ). I have had a number of occassions in the past where email was sent from one person to a number of us - some on yahoo, some Comcast etc using "cc" sometimes some of us on comcast get them, sometimes none of us and sometimes all of us get them (and re-sending the same email results in yet a different pattern). Comcast with their new "Stupid" ... I mean "Smart Zone" has not helped either. Verizon just put FiOS in our neighborhood - giving very serious consideration to changing over.

earthrisers wrote on 4/28/2009, 9:46 AM
Been sitting here staring at my monitor for days now, waiting for my upgrade invitation, ever since the "general" announcement came out -- but I haven't received my notice (and it hasn't gone into my spam box). All my settings are correct. I will need food and water soon...
kitzj0 wrote on 4/28/2009, 9:54 AM
Same here. I check my spam folder all the time and have not had an upgrade offer. I also stopped receiving the newsletter after the January issue.
Terry Esslinger wrote on 4/28/2009, 10:48 AM
Same here!@! Nothing from Sony. I also use Comcast (possible problem) and my settings are all correct and is not in Spam.
SCS PBC wrote on 4/28/2009, 11:17 AM
Apologies to anyone who has not received the promotional emails. I will notify the web team so they can look into it.

In the meantime, you can use this link to get the special upgrade promotion. The promotional price will not be displayed until you've added the item to your cart.

To upgrade from Vegas Movie Studio to Vegas Pro 9, please use this link.
gpsmikey wrote on 4/28/2009, 12:05 PM
I should have added in my comments about Comcast that when things "vanished", there was no trace of them in the spam folder either (and the other people on the 'cc' list received their emails so we know they went out). All I ever got from Comcast was double talk (I had managed to finally get someone who was somewhat interested and I provided them with the headers from the emails that vanished (obtained from the people that had sent them in the first place)). There has been a history of Comcast blocking various isp's etc - wonder if Sony uses multiple ISP's to send out their notices so that sometimes they go through and not others?

LivingTheDream wrote on 4/28/2009, 12:07 PM
I didn't receive the SCS upgrade announcement either. My profile was set up to receive their monthly news letter and all other SCS product notices but so far they haven't sent me anything.

So I just changed my profile to receive a lot less than what I was signed up for. Maybe now I'll start receiving a lot more than I was getting previously.

Jay Gladwell wrote on 4/28/2009, 12:10 PM

"So I just changed my profile to receive a lot less than what I was signed up for. Maybe now I'll start receiving a lot more than I was getting previously."

That one made me laugh out loud. Good one, Steve!

plasmavideo wrote on 4/28/2009, 1:02 PM
I could not register some products with Prodad, as Comcast blocked all attempts to email them. I ended up creating a Yahoo account just for things like that. Maybe I should change my email here to that address.

Does anyone know where to get back copies of the monthly newsletters? They have some great tips in them. I apparently did not get one that had some good Cinescore tips recently.

I checked the support and download links here, but cannot find anything related to the newsletters.
jrazz wrote on 4/28/2009, 1:30 PM

Just curious, why do you not have the blue insignia next to your name like the other administrators or Sony Creative employees who stop in every so often?

j razz
rcartaino wrote on 5/21/2009, 11:41 AM
I have never received anything from Sony, as far as I can remember.

I double-checked my profile e-mail address and make sure that everything that should be checked was checked. Still I don't get anything.

I just thought it was a matter of poor marketing. Any suggestions?
SCS PBC wrote on 5/21/2009, 11:47 AM
rcartaino - I've put you back on our list, so if you weren't receiving promotional emails and newsletters, you should be now.

jrazz - I'm not logged in as a Forum Admin. I'm just a lowly forum user like the rest of you :-) .