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Subject:Why did you discontinue the SoftEncode...
Posted by: JerryTyler
Date:1/31/2001 4:54:00 PM

It's such a great program!


Subject:RE: Why did you discontinue the SoftEncode...
Reply by: JONH
Date:4/24/2001 11:56:55 AM

While Soft Encode continues to be a useful product, Sonic
Foundry has determined that with the ever-increasing line
of Sonic Foundry products, we must reduce those products
not directly in-line with our current business patterns.
Soft Encode currently fulfills a particular niche market
for us, and while we appreciate the market we are currently
serving, we have decided to retire the product and focus on
new and emerging media technologies.

Subject:RE: Why did you discontinue the SoftEncode...
Reply by: LanceL
Date:4/26/2001 10:38:34 AM


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