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Subject:OT:Trademark attorney recommendations...
Posted by: SHTUNOT
Date:1/24/2009 10:57:06 AM

Hey guys,

My band is looking to further secure our name [world wide copyright] and other issues. We only as of right now own the rights to the USA.

Not happy with the legal team and are looking for your thoughts/experiences.

Thanks in advance.


Subject:RE: OT:Trademark attorney recommendations...
Reply by: b4dawn
Date:2/1/2009 8:12:07 AM

My only response, let sleeping dogs lie because you never know who in government is who and attorneys, wow, they would turn you in for a dime bag. The IRS was my greatest fear even though I had a tax attorney and was square.

The IRS had real teeth back in the early '80's and in this area there was a notorious IRS agent who was a musician, he busted more locals than you can imagine and lived.

He played trombone ? if anyone can come up with any jokes.

Subject:RE: OT:Trademark attorney recommendations...
Reply by: Cheese Grits
Date:2/2/2009 12:06:19 PM

Send me an email at

I am a lawyer, and one of my friends in the law firm I work for is a highly competent copyright and trademark attorney. I can help you find someone you want to work with.



Subject:RE: OT:Trademark attorney recommendations...
Reply by: feign
Date:2/2/2009 5:53:58 PM

You don't actually need a lawyer to register trademarks. But you have to know what you're doing, learn the procedures and laws. You need to do proper searches for any prior or conflicting uses of the name. Then you need to decide how widely you want to register it. If you're planning on creating spinoff products, then you need to register a trademark for each and every possible use. So if you register your mark for CD covers, that won't cover it for T-shirts unless you also register it for that use. Registration in one country (USA) can give you some protection in other countries if it comes to any disputes in court, but not as good as if you register the trademark in those other countries. It can easily overwhelm you if you let it.

The US Patent and Trademark Office actually has a toll-free number you can phone for information: 800.786.9199

And there's a website which has a collection of various legal information for artists which might answer some questions:

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