youtube video/audio out of sync

Addo wrote on 1/12/2009, 4:01 PM
Vegas 7.0e user ,
I rendered a file in WMV, Main concept MPEG-2, Main concept AVC/ACC, quick time 7 and posted the file on Youtube, in each case I got video and audio out of sync. On Youtube page it says it is a Codec problem! The rendered file plays right on the computer.
I guess it has something to do with rendering but I'm not sure?


newhope wrote on 1/13/2009, 3:16 AM
YouTube converts your uploaded file to Flash.

The sync issue is happening during their re-encode. If you can output the file as a Flash .flv you'll experience less sync problems as it shouldn't need to be re-encoded, or at the very least the codec is compatible.
jbolley wrote on 1/13/2009, 7:59 AM
What are the audio specs of the wmv you're making? I've noticed trouble with VBR.

Addo wrote on 1/13/2009, 10:35 AM
128kbps 44kHz stereo (A/V) CBR