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Subject:Something I want even more than templates
Posted by: darrena
Date:12/28/2008 9:10:57 PM

It would be totally fab if any MIDI I played within 1 beat of the start of the measure just got put into beat 1 of the recording.

Let me explain: when I set a 1-4 measure count-off, I almost always come in a milisecond before the first beat of the recording and the first chord is lost (not recorded at all). It's the #1 cause of bad MIDI recording takes for me...

I have tried to adjust by playing things a little late at first but that just throws me off.

Subject:RE: Something I want even more than templates
Reply by: ScarKord
Date:12/29/2008 5:05:23 AM

I have to agree, something like that would be excellent.

I've had to resort to my pre-Acid Pro 7 tactic of using the first 4 beats as the count-in and recording from beat 5. That way, anything you do ahead of the beat (and let's face it, who doesn't) gets recorded too.

Subject:RE: Something I want even more than templates
Reply by: darrena
Date:12/29/2008 7:34:55 AM

Yea, I have done that. But that only works when you want to start your recording at the beginning of a project. If you want to "punch-in" (which as far as I can tell you can't really do with MIDI--defining punch in and out points, but I mean put the insertion point right after a prior MIDI clip and start recording without doing a merge), you can't really rely on that technique.

Subject:RE: Something I want even more than templates
Reply by: Geoff_Wood
Date:12/29/2008 1:59:30 PM

Put the insert point a bar before. If that clashes with existing material, do the new bit on a separate track ( Duplicate track and delete existing material on the new one).

Then drag it back into the existing track.

Acd cannot know if, or by how much, early you are going to play your chord - be it 1ms or 2 minutes !


Subject:RE: Something I want even more than templates
Reply by: JohnnyRoy
Date:12/31/2008 11:56:59 AM

> Acd cannot know if, or by how much, early you are going to play your chord - be it 1ms or 2 minutes !

True but irrelevant. The feature being requested is to take all of the notes played before recording starts and move them to the recording start point. It's not a bad idea since most of the time this is exactly what you intended to do (i.e., come in on the beat)

You got my vote. This would be a great enhancement. It probably should be an option in the preferences so that people who want to ignore these early notes can do so.


Message last edited on12/31/2008 12:16:24 PM byJohnnyRoy.
Subject:RE: Something I want even more than templates
Reply by: Geoff_Wood
Date:12/31/2008 2:27:08 PM

Assuming that one is not playing 'early' for artistic feel reasons .

Yes, would need to be an Option - probably call 'Quantise early data all onto the first beat', or something.


Subject:RE: Something I want even more than templates
Reply by: darrena
Date:12/31/2008 4:52:14 PM

Well, they could cut it off at say one eighth note ahead of the start of the recording... i mean usually i play the first notes maybe a third of a second too early, no more.

So should I start the petition!?? ;-)

Peter? What do you think?

Subject:RE: Something I want even more than templates
Reply by: pwppch
Date:1/1/2009 12:37:01 AM

I am considering alternatives. There are issues that are not as simple as merely quantizing the early notes to time 1.1.000.


Subject:RE: Something I want even more than templates
Reply by: pwppch
Date:1/1/2009 12:48:32 AM

ACID's punch in recording model for MIDI is orthogonal with Audio.

ACID does not have a formal set punch-in/out. Instead it uses selection of time and events to provide punch-in/out recording.

All of the following methods are ACID's model for punch-in recording:

- Recording into a time selection
- Recording into an event or events
- Recording into an event with a time selection

This is something that is covered in the user's manual. Look at the Recording Audio and Working with MIDI chapters for more details.

Can you describe exactly why MIDI Punch in recording does not work for you? (I am NOT asking about your issue with bounding MIDI msgs to the record start time.)


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