Subject:Changing tempo of all tracks?
Posted by: Zendorf
Date:12/14/2008 9:32:32 PM
I am using Acid 6 and have been a long time user since v1, but I still can't really work this problem out. I have recorded my band at 90bpm and there about 25 one shot tracks, no loops. My issue is that I need to change the overall tempo to 95, which of course is fine if it was a loop based project. What is the easiest/best way to do this with all one shots? I have tried changing each track to a loop, but this is very cumbersome and consumes tons of RAM. Have also tried changing them to beatmapped tracks to no avail. Any input would be much appreciated! |
Subject:RE: Changing tempo of all tracks?
Reply by: jackn2mpu
Date:12/15/2008 4:59:40 AM
Do you have access to another daw program? If you're using pure audio (wav) tracks you could do it in Sonar from at least version 5 and up. |
Subject:RE: Changing tempo of all tracks?
Reply by: Iacobus
Date:12/15/2008 11:36:36 AM
Try this: Set the Loop Region over the entire project. (Ideally, you'll want to include anything over 30 seconds because you'll want to turn the section into a Beatmapped track.) Include or exclude whatever you do or don't want by soloing and/or muting. (For example, if you just want guitars to be included, only solo the guitars.) Press Ctrl + M and use the "render loop region only" option. Press OK. Rinse and repeat. You should have a new series of tracks added to the project at this point. Mute the original tracks. Choose the Paint Tool, and, while holding Ctrl down on your keyboard, click on the timeline next to a preferred track that was created when you bounced down. This should paint the entire event/clip onto the timeline. Use either the Draw Tool or the Selection Tool to move the clip around. If done right, you should be able to now change the overall project tempo and have the newly-rendered tracks follow. You may want to mix the volumes of the tracks independently before bouncing down for loudness' sake, then mix them back into the overall project later on. In the future, you may want to record tracks as Beatmapped (accessed via Options > Preferences > Audio on the menu bar). HTH, Iacobus |