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Subject:How To Reigster iZoTope Mastering Bundle
Posted by: elemmons
Date:11/15/2008 3:43:24 AM

I am an owner of SF9. How to I get the serial numbers to register the iZotope Mastering Effects Bundle so I can activate them?
Thanks, all.

Subject:RE: How To Reigster iZoTope Mastering Bundle
Reply by: Kennymusicman
Date:11/16/2008 6:27:56 AM

You should have a seperate card containing the relevant serial numbers

Subject:RE: How To Reigster iZoTope Mastering Bundle
Reply by: markmcg
Date:11/23/2008 4:24:20 PM

Seperate card with a downloaded version of SF 9?

Where does one get serial numbers for the Izotope bundle from if you downloaded the SF upgrade to 9?

I don't see it. Can someone from Sony please weigh in here?


Subject:RE: How To Reigster iZoTope Mastering Bundle
Reply by: reberclark
Date:11/23/2008 8:32:42 PM

I did my upgrade thru download. My numbers for Sound Forge 9, CD Architect and iZotope were all in the same email from SONY.

Subject:RE: How To Reigster iZoTope Mastering Bundle
Reply by: bilco82
Date:12/3/2008 6:21:07 PM

I purchased my Sound Forge 9.0 by download and I don't think I have the iZotppe mastering effects bundle. How can I tell if I have the bundle? I know for sure I did not recieve a serial number for it.

Subject:RE: How To Reigster iZoTope Mastering Bundle
Reply by: jumbuk
Date:12/3/2008 10:10:48 PM

Check the email. I had to look twice - there are separate serial numbers for all the apps - SF, Sony NR, CDA and Isotope.

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