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Subject:Problems burning with Acid 5
Posted by: russeld
Date:11/8/2008 10:59:41 AM

I keep trying to burn at once and it keeps telling me that its a read only disc and has this after
'ATAPI MMC Compatible'-(0)
-'SONY CD-RW CRX216E PD01'-(0)
Module atapimmc.cpp Line 1337
A medium error occurred.
A write error occurred. Make sure your media is approved for this drive.

Status: 00020202
Command: 2a 00 00 00 04 64 00 00 1a 00
Sense: 03 0c 00
Info: 00 00 00 00
Specific: 00 00 00
Extra: 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00

I can burn off of iTunes no prob, and I have had a couple of successful attempts with the ACID, and about 5 secs worth of lead in on one CD...but I am lost. It recognizes the disc as a blank CD-R initially and goes through the test burn just fine, but then^^^^^^^

Subject:RE: Problems burning with Acid 5
Reply by: grainerr
Date:11/8/2008 6:45:45 PM


use the above line and do a google search for it. I did and found a forum post with someone that seemed to have problems similar to yours and the post had a link to it as shown below:;en-us;Q320174

check that out and see if anything there helps you

when you had some prior success did you have itunes installed then as well?
can you burn outside of acid? ie with windows or nero or any other software
are you on XP or vista?
have you considered removing the hardware (under add/remove hardware) and reinstall the drivers again?

just some ideas

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