Subject:Error with CD extraction
Posted by: thx99
Date:6/15/2008 12:25:17 PM
Attempts to extract audio from a CD in SF9.0e are met with the following error in a pop-up window: 'SFMMCX'-(17) ''-(1) -'MATSHITA BD-RE UJ-220 1.00'-(0) Module mmc.cpp Line 479 The operation is not supported by this drive. Status: 00000000 Command: Sense: 00 00 00 Info: 00 00 00 00 Specific: 00 00 00 Extra: System: Vista SP1, Intel Core2 Duo CPU (2.5 GHz), 4 GB RAM. Drive: MATSHITA BD-RE UJ-220, as seen above. Strangely enough, I am able to extract the tracks as WAVs in Roxio Creator 10.1 with no problems on this system. Also, on a different Vista system and drive, I am able to extract audio through SF9.0e. Advice? Doug |