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Subject:Offset value not appearing in 6.0
Posted by: grainerr
Date:6/12/2008 8:37:12 PM

So I upgraded to 6.0 via download and installed on my new box, copied my 5.0 files to the 6.0 Project folder and opened a file. It contains an mp3 file and upon playback It was out of sync with the rest of the acaid rythm tracks. Opened up 5.0 on my old computer and saw in the properties that the mp3 track had an offset value in the "start offset (samples)" box so i entered that into 6.0 version of the file and now everything is playing just like it should be. Also Made sure to copy the sfk of the mp3 file to where it should be.
my I have to do this with all of 5.0 projects that I want to open in 6 ?
Am I missing something here?


Subject:RE: Offset value not appearing in 6.0
Reply by: Iacobus
Date:6/13/2008 12:14:18 PM sounds like those MP3 files were manually offset to compensate for its inherent bit of silence (was it half a second? I can't remember offhand) that appears at the beginning (and end) of the file. There's really no other way to deal with this since it's the way MP3 deals with files. (In the future, you might want to bring in any media in another format if possible to avoid the hassle, like WAV.)


Subject:RE: Offset value not appearing in 6.0
Reply by: grainerr
Date:6/13/2008 1:17:34 PM

> sounds like those MP3 files were manually offset to compensate for its inherent bit of silence (was it half a second?

True, mostly. Not sure if it's a half a second though. i don't know what relation there is of time compared to samples. When I right click and go to properties I enter a number like 32,168 in the start offset and the mp3 file plays back correcly. the problem is if I have a mp3 file split in to many portions I have to enter each offset value for each section. And for what ever reason the way I created the sections each on has a different offset and I have to have both 5.0 and 6.0 open on two different machines and click on each section read the value and enter it manually into the 6.0 version.

I still ask: why does that not transfer over between these two versions?
Am i the only one who has this happen to them?
I wonder if I can render all the sections into a new file like a wav and use that instead?
I'm gonna give that a try.

>(In the future, you might want to bring in any media in another format if possible to avoid the hassle, like WAV.
How to wav files behave differently than mp3 files when being used in Acid 6.0?
I have used Acid 4, 5 (doing the same thing with mp3 files) and now (since yesterday 6) and I don't recall having issues when transitioning between 4 and 5 !? (that was a while ago but it was never an issue from what I recall)
Thanks for your help Iacobus


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